Just a pretty boy / outropeace

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The alpha in front of him wasn’t only tall, but used every inch of his body to look even more threatening. He looked as shocked as Joseph felt, in his eyes he could clearly see horror and anger mixed into an odd and painful mix. It was as if he just watched a ghost or a monster from a nightmare come to life. 

“Louis…” he said with a low voice. It wasn’t a question, he was calling Joseph by that name. 

The crease between Joseph’s brows deepened. “Who?”

Louis and Harry were married until, one day, Louis passed away in a tragic accident. Years later, he is found alive and with a thousand questions plaguing his mind. The most important ones; was his husband involved in his disappearance? And, how long did it take Harry and his best friend to fall in love after his supposed dead?

Tags: AOB dynamics, amnesia, divorce, jealousy, angst with a happy ending, slow burn, Pinning, happy ending.

3 chapters


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