My hands at risk, I fold /lucky28

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Louis looked down at the mug of green tea he had steadfastly ignored up until that point. It was hot, tendrils of steam rising into the air in front of him. They met his face before dissipating, leaving a soft dampness in their wake. Their caress was gentle. He wondered if the same could still be said of the man at the center of this conversation.

“You know you can’t run from the truth, don’t you?” Niall asked. Louis didn’t look him in the eyes–he couldn’t avoid his own reflection in the tea’s glassy surface. “It always catches up.”

“I’m not running, Niall,” Louis responded slowly. Deliberately. “I’m hiding. Very well.”


Louis’ a model, Harry’s an actor. Their lives are on separate tracks. What happens when two ships meet in the night, and what does it mean when they’ve met before?

Tags: actor H, model L, friends to strangers to lovers, flashbacks, fake-pretend friendship, 3rd person narrator, not a lot of dialogue.
Harry is an asshole until.last chapter and Louis is so plain.

11 chapters


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