once the dark divides / zanni_scaramouche

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When he found freaky shit in Harry’s place that one night they don’t ever talk about, he’d nearly been convinced his best mate, his closest and most trusted friend since nappies, was a legitimate goddamn murderer. Harry had calmly taken the rope out of Louis’s hands and said, ‘I’m a Dom.’

Like that was it. Like there didn’t need to be any more discussion about it. Like it didn’t go against every memory Louis has of Harry being this awkward, clumsy boy he grew up with and forced him to confront this- this slick confident version of Harry all grown up and mature.


Louis finds out his childhood best friend is a Dom and somehow convinces him it's a good idea to learn about the world of kink with a hands on lesson

Tags: BDSM, Dom H, Submissive L, smut, porn without plot.


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