I've kissed honey lips (Felt the healing in the fingertips) / loveroflou

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Carefully, Zayn starts, “You do know Niall wasn’t joking about him being unstable, right?” Louis opens his mouth to cut him off, but Zayn continues, “He might not have done anything yet, but that doesn’t mean he can’t, or won’t.”
“You don’t know him,” Louis tries, because it’s true. The only problem is that Louis doesn’t really know Harry, either.
or, the raisin cookie fic

Tags: ABO dynamics, Alpha Louis, Anxiety attacks, Femenine H, not clear if H is an Alpha or an Omega, protective Louis he is really sweet and caring with H, a lot of raising cookies, fluff.

Not my fav I'm ABO dynamics, No smut, o was lost as H past history.

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