Lando was nice as well, but Max was actually craving some alone time with his caregivers. He knew the other little had been shocked by the accident, but Max was too and he had never gotten people like Brad or Charles to take care of him, and it was actually feeling annoying to share.

A yawn broke Maxie's thoughts, and when the bottle was empty and he got a paci in his mouth, he turned until he was lying with his head on Braddy's biceps while the man finished the story.

Lando easily hopped off the bed, and settled in the crib while Max felt too sluggish too move on his own.

"I think someone is very sleepy," Brad said, looking down at Max who was nearly asleep against Charles.

The large caregiver got out of the bed and gently lifted Maxie, settling him in the crib next to Lando and giving both littles a kiss.

"Charlie?" Maxie asked, his voice whining.

"I'm coming," Charles said, giving Max a kiss on the cheek, and repeating the same with Lando, "sleep tight little ones. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll try to back around breakfast."

"Back?" Maxie asked, confused. Wasn't Charles going to stay with them?

"Yeah, don't you worry," Charles said, putting bunny in Max's hands. The little took the stuffy with a frown.

"Charlie stay?" Maxie asked, but Charles shook his head.

"I'll go to my rooms tonight," the Ferrari driver said. Max sat up and grasped Charles arm, his eyes suddenly wide.

"Can't Charlie, you sick," Maxie said, scared that the driver would go away and suddenly get worse without anyone there to help him, scared that he would leave that room and suddenly run into a little that wasn't Max.

"It's not that bad," Charles said, but Max was shaking his head.

"No, Charlie, stay!" Maxie shouted while everyone looked at him with wide eyes. Tears started to pour from his eyes, "Charlie stay! Braddy, Charlie stay!"

"It's not that bad, Maxie. He'll be back tomorrow morning."

"No, no, nooo," Max started to shout, his arms wrapping around Charles' waist. The Ferrari driver looked helplessly at Brad, not knowing how to deal with the panicked little.

"Hey, Maxie, it's okay. He'll be here tomorrow," Lando hesitantly said, laying his hand on Maxie's back, but the little just started to cry harder, not able to progress the fact that Charles was already going to be leaving him.

"No. Charlie stay. Stay with Maxie!" the little cried out, his arms tightening, and Charles winced by the strength Maxie was using.

"I could stay," the Ferrari driver offered hesitantly. The only real reason why he was leaving was to not make it clear to Lando that he and Brad had just started to date, but with Max shouting so loudly, it was a good enough reason to stay.

"Yes!" Maxie shouted, looking up with teary eyes at Charles, only slightly loosening the hold, as if he expected the man to run if he let go any more.

"I guess we can. Uhm, guess we'll be sharing the bed?" Brad asked hesitantly, wondering if he should offer taking the couch.

"Yeah, seems like a good idea," Charles said, patting Max's back, "is that okay, Max? I'll stay here?"

"Yes, Charlie stay," Maxie said, still keeping a firm hold on Charles.

"You'll have to let go though, so you can sleep yourself. Me and Charles will go to bed soon enough," Brad said, putting his hand on Maxie's. The little frowned, but with some gentle encouragement, he let go of Charles, even though he really didn't want to.

Little MaxieWhere stories live. Discover now