Chapter 9

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Lando smiled widely when he realised that Max was a little, just like him, and without caring that everyone seemed to be cautious and standing by, he bounded over to Max, pushing past Daniel so he was standing in between them.

Max startled when he was suddenly only an inch away from Lando's smiling face, and took step back, bumping into Charles, making him look behind him in surprise, not having expected the caregiver there. Charles patted him on the shoulder, trying to calm Max down.

"Hiya," Lando said loudly, making Maxie turn around and look back at him. Lando smiled even brighter at Max. He actually wans't in his headspace yet, but the knowledge that there is another little near, and probably around his own age if there was a paci involved, made him get closer to it.

"Hi," Max said back hesitantly, holding the paci in his hands and looking unsure at Lando, before leaning over to the side a little so he could look at Daniel. The caregiver looked a bit worried at Lando's back, unsure of he should pull him back, or let him be there.

When he saw Max looking though, he changed the frown on his face in a smile, and went to stand next to Lando, throwing his arm around his shoulders, just to be sure he could pull back the little if he got a bit too hyper.

"So, are you a little?" Lando asked when the silence stretched. Maxie immediately flushed, his cheeks red, while he nodded, looking down at the paci in his hands to avoid the other one's stare.

Staring at the paci, Maxie's eyes suddenly widened, realising what Lando was doing here so suddenly. He bit his lip for a moment, but then looked up at Lando, feeling his stomach churn a little in nervousness.

"Yours?" he asked, holding the paci up, and Lando nodded with a smile, not really thinking about it.

"Yeah, it is. Daniel asked me to take it with me," Lando answered, and Max nodded, holding it out for Lando to take. The second little took it without any hesitation, not having noticed the tensed muscles of the caregivers, who were just on the verge to react.

Unfortunately, Max was faster than anyone else, and the moment that Lando had taken the paci, he had brutishly turned around, his shoulder bumping into Charles when he passed, not offering an apology. The door to his bedroom closed, and then it was suddenly alarmingly quiet in the room.

"He was crying," Charles said, and Daniel frowned, while Lewis let out a sound of frustration.

"Did I do something wrong?" Lando asked, looking between the three caregivers and feeling his mind slip a little more to his headspace. The silence stretched a little longer and he was starting to feel a little nervous. His stomach churned and he lifted the paci in his hand, just wanting it in his mouth for the comfort, but before he managed, Daniel stopped him, putting his hand on Lando's arm.

"This one was meant for Maxie," Daniel said, "he doesn't have one of his own, and he really wanted it,"

"But, why didn't he buy one?" Lando asked, feeling confused. If he didn't have a paci, he would just buy a new set.

"He doesn't want anyone to know he's a little," Charles said. Lando looked at him puzzled, frowning at the explanation.

"Why?" he asked, not understanding. Lewis looked at them, giving a frustrated sigh, making everyone look at him.

"His dad doesn't want anyone to know he's a little," Lewis snarled, the thoughts of Jos making him angry. He pushed himself from the counter against which he had been leaning, he took a few big steps towards Lando and Daniel, snatching the paci from Daniel's hand.

Daniel let him, and Lewis knocked on the bedroom door, knocking softly and waiting a few seconds before he let himself in, even when no answer came.

The moment the door of his room opened, Maxie looked up from where he was sitting, half hidden by the crib he was leaning against, his back facing the door, so he had to turn around a little to see who had entered.

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