Chapter 36

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Since the moment he had heard about what Jos had done, Lewis had felt anger seethe beneath his skin, anger and a sort of helplessness. When they couldn't find any sign of Max's bunny, the anger had taken hold of him, and he knew that if he saw Jos right then, he would have punched the man in the face, even though he was normally a calm man.

During the long flight, the feeling of anger did recede a bit, even though he still was disgusted with Jos, but the helplessness stayed.

He could still remember the time that George had found Max's stuffy in the paddock, and how happy the little had been to have it back after he thought he had lost it. Just that reaction made him sure that Max was feeling shocked about having it taken away from him.

If only he could do something to help the little. As a caregiver, he knew that certain feelings were pure instincts, wanting to keep littles safe and happy, but it just genuinely felt cruel to take something so precious from someone. If only he could get Max something to get a smile back on his face.

And that was why he was now walking around in the city, entering a few shops here and there, but finding nothing that could capture his interest. He had gone in a few toy shops and shops that catered for littles already and he had sifted through the stuffed animals, but somehow he didn't think that Max would appreciate a replacement.

Going in yet another store, he sauntered slowly through the aisles, hoping to find something that Max would like.

"Perhaps some paci's?" Lewis muttered to himself, going to a display with several brightly decorated, especially for little's.

Max had liked having a paci, even though Jos destroyed his not once but twice. Looking through them all, Lewis decided that one paci wouldn't be enough to reassure Maxie, so he selected six different once.

Smiling, he felt instantly calmer now that he had gotten something that he knew Max would appreciate, his instincts happy that he could help the little out.

Thanking the cashier, he hurried back to the hotel, seeing that he had promised to have dinner with George, to discuss some points for the pre-race meeting. If they were eye to eye, they held more sway.

Feeling slightly giddy with the small bag in his hand, he hoped he would encounter Max very soon. Or Maxie. It didn't really matter, but he was so adorable when he was little, and Lewis couldn't help but smile at how cute the Red Bull driver was.

It did surprise Lewis a little about how much it affected him. So far, Lando being little had barely done anything to him. Perhaps it was because Max was more vulnerable? Just a little smaller and needing so much more help?

For now, he tried not to think too much about it. As long as it didn't distract him from driving, it didn't really matter.

Meeting up with George, they went down to the dinning hall, and when they stepped from the elevator, Lewis couldn't contain his smile when he saw Max and Brad. Or rather, Maxie, seeing the way the little was clinging to the caregiver. And he had his bunny again!

That was good. Someone must have found it.

Going over to them, Lewis wanted to greet them, whishing he had taken the paci's with him, but George beat him. Max's reaction surprised them, burying himself instantly against Brad, a startled sound coming from him.

Lewis stared at Max, pressed tightly against Brad's back, his eyes scrunched shut and holding his bunny in a dead grip. He was taking shallow breathes and it almost seemed as if he would start crying at any moment.

Seeing the distressed little, Lewis threw a glare at his teammate, who looked wide-eyed at Lewis. Of course, the he hadn't done anything wrong, but the protective instincts just zeroed in on him.

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