Chapter 14

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Max was deeply asleep in the side room, his paci moving occasionally in his mouth and just on the point where he would fall of the couch if he leaned any further.

Bradley had been right in saying that little's his headspace age needed naps, and Max's body and mind was very grateful for the rest, but it left him unaware of his surroundings.

So, when Jos entered the gym room, the older man looked around with a frown. He knew his son's schedule well enough, and normally the little should have been training right now, but instead the room was empty. No sign of him nor that caregiver trainer of his.

Walking in the gym room, he looked around, seeing the door of the side room ajar a little. Doubting that anyone was in there, since the light was out, he still went in there. Opening the door completely, Jos turned on the light, and then felt fury fill him at the sight of his son.

"What's this?" the man said loudly, anger colouring his voice.

Max startled awake with the loud noise, giving a hard twitch while his eyes flew open, and the movement was enough to make him fall completely from the couch, hitting the ground with a loud thud. A startled sound came from his mouth, making his paci fall out and slide away a bit.

The suddenness of his waking up, the pain of the fall, and the a sudden overwhelming amount of fear when his body instinctively recognized his angry dad, his mind slammed itself in his small headspace, instead of keeping to the much safer bigger headspace.

The proximity of caregivers who actually had taken care of him made his body produce certain hormones that reversed some of his normal reactions, and without him wanting or realising it, Max was suddenly deeper in his headspace that he had ever allowed himself to go, and all he could do was look up at his dad from where he was lying on the ground.

The man suddenly seemed so big and scary, towering over Maxie with a big scowl on his face.

"Owie," Maxie said, when the man took him by the upper arm and forcefully pulled him up, making his blankie fall on the ground and exposing his legs to the colder temperature. His pain was soon forgotten though, when he saw the angry face pulling him close, disgust at finding his son in just a diaper had put a red mist in Jos's brain.

"After what happened this morning, now this?" the man fumed shaking Maxie hard when he didn't react immediately, "can't even keep on your fucking pants. You fucking showing of these things," he said, slapping Max hard on his diaper, before letting go of his arm.

"Oof," Max said when he landed back on the ground, his diaper only partly able to cushion his fall.

"And what the hell is this thing?" Jos asked, toeing the paci that was lying on the ground, and Max suddenly felt a bad feeling. He gave a whine, and reached out for it, but Jos saw him doing it, and before Maxie could grab the paci and bring it to safety, Jos moved his foot.

The crunch from the hard plastic shield of the paci breaking was loud in the room, and Maxie could only stare while his father twisted it in the ground with his heel, making sure that even the soft plastic would be completely deformed.

The man removed his foot, revealing the mangled remains of the broken paci that he had only gotten the night before, still almost hearing Lando saying that it was all his.

For a moment, the room was filled with silence, Jos glaring at his son and waiting for a reaction, waiting until the little had collected himself and begged him for forgiveness. Instead, Maxie, who was overwhelmed with emotion, did the only thing his headspace would allow him.

He threw back his head and started to cry, loudly, hight-pitched, the distress clear in his wail.

Jos his look of bewilderment was almost comical, never having seen this behaviour from his son, not even the few times that he had stayed when he had noticed Max was in his headspace. It only took him a moment to get over his surprise, his body suddenly in an angry stance and giving a sharp slap on the back of Max's head.

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