Chapter 53

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There was a lot of noise and fanfare going on, like usual before a race, and like all drivers, Charles was preparing himself mentally and physically before he went to crawl into the cramped cockpit of his car and proof to himself and the world that he was worthy of his seat.

The thing was, he was feeling faintly nauseous as well. It wasn't just his usual pre-race nerves, but it wasn't something really big either. It had been a feeling that he been creeping up to him all weekend, and how much he wanted to, he couldn't shake it off.

It was the worst when he was on his own, the feeling creeping up harder on him, as if it was trying to suffocate him. Last night he had even woken up in a cold sweat, and he had mentioned it to his trainer.

The man had taken his pulse and bloodpressure, but he couldn't immediately spot something that was wrong.

"You want to sit the race out and see a doctor?"

"No, it's not that bad," Charles had answered. His trainer gave him a look, and he nodded, "after the race, if it isn't better by than,"

"Don't bring yourself in danger, okay," the trainer had said, but he had given the green light. And now the jittery feeling was mixing with his pre-race nervousness, making it difficult to discern where one started and one ended.

Trying to hurry along the Ferrari area, he felt himself automatically slow down when he heard Max's voice and he turned around to see if he could spot the man. Somehow, a few of his jittery feelings left him with the sound of the voice, and then he saw Max standing with Brad and a feeling of relief went through his body. A feeling of relief, he didn't quite understand where it came from, but it felt good.

Max wasn't little for the moment, that was clear in his whole mannerism, even if the small bulge of the diaper was visible underneath the shorts he was wearing. His hands where busy moving while he explained something to Brad, who nodded with a small smile on his face, clearly amused and it ended up in Max laughing a little at a joke he just made.

Brad laughed as well, and then Charles saw him look his way. It was only just now that Charles realised he had stopped walking and was just staring at them. It seemed as if they hadn't noticed, because Brad just smiled his way and waved him over.

Max look at Brad with a puzzled frown, but when he turned around and saw Charles, the little smiled at the Ferrari driver. Charles felt his heartbeat start to heighten a bit, and he had to suppress the urge to touch Max, to check if everything was okay with him.

Pressing them in fists, he pushed them in his pockets and plaster a half smile on his face while he sauntered over, keeping outwardly calm.

"Hey, Charles. You think you can win from me today?" Max said with a smile, a challenge in his eyes. He was looking very fresh and up for a challenge.

"Me? I can win from you every day," Charles said back, trying to keep his smile on his face, and trying not to flush when he saw Brad grin at the both of them.

"Talking to the enemy?" Carlos said, just passing through, the man grinning as well, a camera following him around. Charles didn't know if he was happy for him to appear or not. Of course, the camera made it impossible for personal conversations.

"Mmph, Ferrari will win this year, you'll see," Charles said, even while Max was disagreeing. Carlos threw his arm around Charles shoulder playing all buddy with him for the camera.

"Come on Charles, let get to the garage," Carlos said.

"Sure, why don't you take the head start, you'll need it," Max said, waving at them with a big grin while Carlos did a less then polite signal back, also with a smile on his face to show he meant it in good humour.

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