Chapter 47

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"Hey, don't cry," Daniel said, seeing the tears falling from Max's eyes and panicking slightly, "did I hurt you? Did I close the diaper too hard over your bruises,"

"No," Max said, sniffling a little and trying to calm down, knowing that Daniel couldn't do anything about it and he should just learn to suck it up, "am being stupid,"

"Oh, baby, don't cry," Lando said frowning. He moved soe he could settle next to Max on the bed, holding up a familiar stuffy "I got bunny,"

Still sniffling, Max reached out towards the stuffy, cuddling it close to him and taking comfort in its presence. He shouldn't act like this. Daniel and Lando were doing their best, and Brad should be able to enjoy a night on his own and perhaps have a nice lay in.

Concentrating on the stuffy, he let Daniel dress him, trying to put any thoughts of missing Brad out of his head. Once he was done, he sat cross legged on the bed, staring at Lando, who was now getting a diaper put on him by Daniel, the little sighing and moaning the whole time, but not saying anything outright against the diaper.

By the time the other little was dressed, Max had felt himself already wet, but he didn't mention it to Daniel at all. It had just been a small dribble, nothing more. The diaper would be able to take loads more.

"Why don't the two of you go play a little until it's breakfast time," Daniel said, smiling at the two of them and hoping to see another smile on Max's face instead of the slightly lost and sad look he was sporting gnow.

"Okay," Lando easily agreed, pulling Max along, "I got a game with a shark and fishies,"

"Oh?" Max asked, curious. Lando grinned, and took out a shark out of a big box. He pushed down the mouth and was able to push the whole body down, revealing a gawking ring with different fishies in there.

"We need to throw the die and it says if we have to fish one or two fishes," Lando explained, eagerly letting Max see the die, "and we fish them up and if the shark goes up and tries to bite you, you lose,"

"Oh," Maxie said, his eyes wide and looking in slight apprehension at the shark mouth, "does it hurt?"

"No, not at all. I always startle though," Lando said.

"Oh," Max answered, still looking a sceptical, but Lando was already picking up the die and mini-plastic fishing hook.

"I'll go first," Lando said, casting the die and fishing his one fish.

Max went after him, and fished his one fish as well, closing his eyes when he pulled it out of the mechanism and then breathing a sigh of relief when it didn't snap close.

They continued until Lando shouted loudly when the shark's mouth suddenly closed, startled but laughing. Max had jumped up a little at the suddenness, but was also laughing after the initial fright.

"Again, again," Maxie shouted, making Lando push the mouth open again and they both pushed the fishes in as quickly as they could, Max currently forgetting that he had been sad.

Brad was up early in the morning, even after going to bed late drinking with Charles, filled with anticipation to see Maxie again.

It had been a more pleasant evening that he had thought it could be. With Max currently staying over with Daniel and Lando, he had resigned himself to a lonely evening. But when he had encountered Charles and decided to disturb the man, it proofed to be a good distraction. The Ferrari driver was good company, even though he had a slightly depressed feel to him.

"Not easy, being an F1 driver," Brad said to himself, but not feeling as if that really explained the vibe he got from the other man. Shrugging it off, Brad took his time to shower, and go through his mails and training programs, trying to bide his time before he went to get Max again.

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