Chapter 34

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The items in Brad's hands grew heavy at Max's words, the meaning slowly filtering through to Brad's mind.

He couldn't help but stare in horror at Max when he realised that the little thought that Brad was going to hit him with the brush or the belt, the thought sickening him to his stomach.

Max shifted a little on his feet, not moving away from Brad, just standing there with his head hanging down and tears dripping from his eyes, not bothering to wipe them off. He was silent, as if he was sure that no amount of begging or crying would change his fate.

Brad tried to think of words to say, to comfort Max, and his hands tightened automatically on the items in his hands, making the little flinch when he heard the leather being squeezed.

"Max...," Bradley choked out, his voice an odd quality while he tried to hold back his own tears.

"Sorry," Maxie said with a sob, moving quickly. Brad stared at Max when he tried to put himself over Brad's lap, and stopped the little from completing that motion, holding his arms.

"No, don't do that," Bradley said his voice gravely, and Max blinked at him, fear and confusion clear in his eyes.

"Braddy?" Maxie asked again, the sound almost like daddy that it made Brad's heart break. He hated how scared Maxie sounded, frozen in a half bended over position, and too scared to make any move.

"It's okay Maxie," Bradley said softly, hoping he sounded gentle. He guided the little to stand up straight and put him in between his own legs, so he was looking up at Maxie's face, hoping that the height difference would make Maxie feel less scared of him, "no one is going to hurt you,"

"Not hurt Maxie," Maxie said hesistantly, frowning at Bradley, "punish. Maxie bad. Maxie need to be punished,"

"No, Maxie isn't bad," Bradley repeated, and Maxie looked at him non-comprehensively, clearly unsure what Brad was talking about.

"Owie," Maxie said, pointing at Bradley's hand, the bleeding stopped for the most part, but the wounds still visible, and they would be for a couple of days at least "Maxie bite. Naughty, very naughty,"

"Yes, you bit me," Bradley agreed, touching his own hand, and wondering how to convince Max that it was all okay, that he understood why.

Maxie stared at him for a moment, and when nothing happened, he then attempted to go lie over his lap again, but Brad stopped him once more with a sound of annoyance.

"No, don't do that," Bradley said, crossing his legs so Maxie couldn't go lie over his lap again.

Max followed his instruction and stood up, looking at Brad with confusion and frustration. Biting his own lip, he shifted for a moment, before turning around and putting his hands on the coffee table, his bum aimed at Bradley and then he tried to clumsily pull down his shorts and diaper, wondering if Brad really hated to touch him that much.

"Stop," Bradley commanded in panic, standing up and when Max stood in confusement, he lifted the little on his hip. At least that way he would have any opportunity to offer himself up for a spanking, "I am not going to punish you. You were scared and lashed out. It was my fault this happened,"

"Don't ... know," Maxie said, having difficulty with finding the right words, he stared at Bradley with wide eyes, "Braddy not bad. Maxie bad?"

"No, Maxie not bad," Bradley repeated again, wondering how young he had fallen. He had a feeling that before Max had more words then now, but he wasn't really sure, "do you understand me? Maxie is a good boy,"

"Maxie good?" Max said in surprise, wondering if he was misunderstanding the whole situation. Words were getting quite difficult for him when he was this young, and he didn't want to get it wrong. Getting it wrong might result in even worse punishment then before.

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