Chapter 55

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Brad was glad that Charles was with Maxie, so he could go back to the hotel and get some stuff to make the little more comfortable. It was clear that he was going to be in headspace for a little while at least, as often is when there is an injury or trauma.

He quickly made a bag with some reserve diapers, a new sleeper he had bought the day before but hadn't given to Maxie yet, a paci and the three stuffies. Max had indeed warmed up to the other two, but it was still bunny that was dragged around all the time when he was in headspace.

Brad hurried as fast as he could to the car and back to the hospital, still feeling worried about the little. Perhaps he had waken up already and Charles couldn't comfort him. Perhaps he was in pain, and any moment that Brad wasn't near him, was one moment to much.

He nearly swerved the car when his phone went, his heart pounding. Luckily it was connected on the car and he could easily see that it was Christian who was calling. Putting it on handsfree, he took the call.

"Brad, how is it going? Everything okay with Max?" Christian said, his voice even, but some concern was leaking through.

"He's got a concussion and some minor bruising. The doctor said it should be okay, but they are keeping him at the hospital for observation," Brad answered.

"Of course," Christian said, "I'll come over as well, to make sure everything is in order. Should be there in fifteen. I'll inform the PR,"

"Great," Brad said, ending the call and continuing to the hospital. Christian would be there about the same time as he would. Luckily, traffic was mild, and when he managed to find a parking spot in the hospital parking, he grabbed his bag and hurried to the main entrance.

Entering the hospital, he was treated to an unwelcome sight. Christian was there, standing his ground with an irate Jos towering over him.

"What's going on here?" Brad asked, and he could see some relief on Christian's face now that he was there. The man was fierce, but Brad's stature was much more intimidating.

"Mr. Verstappen was just about to leave," Christian said.

"The hell I am," Jos shouted, "my son caused a crash and is now in the hospital. Someone needs to knock some sense into him before he tries to kill himself,"

"Max didn't cause the crash," Brad said.

"Yes, let the personal trainer tell the professional driver who caused the crash," Jos mocked.

"It doesn't matter what happened. You're not allowed near Max," Christian interjected before Brad could react.

"Says who?" Jos asked.

"The warrant we got from the police," Christian said.

"Oh, did he go snivelling to the police, the little pussy," Jos snarled, "was it because that darn stuffed rabbit off him? Well, you why don't you go tell him that I cut it all in pieces,"

"As if you did that," Brad said back, feeling his heart beat harder at the casual cruelness in the other man's voice.

"I left him an ear," Jos said, "but don't worry. I'll give him back another piece when he sees me again. And when he drops the charges, I'll make sure he gets it back. Why don't you go tell him that and sees how long he stays with you guys,"

"I don't think Max will ever want you back," Christian said, "he's much happier now, allowed to go into headspace and still getting the respect he deserves,"

"He got the respect he deserves," Jos sneered, "how much respect can you give a guy who freaking poops and pisses himself everyday. Don't worry, he knows you guys are only temporary. Who could ever love such a stupid little as him, weak..."

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