Chapter 63

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"Let's do your diaper, sweetheart," Brad said to Max, the tears dried on his face by now.

"Am not little," Max pouted, still leaning against Brad. He had put his thumb in his mouth and was looking at the door where Lando had disappeared through.

"Not little?" Brad asked, amused at the denial, "not big though."

"No, not big either," Max said after a few moments of hesitation, thinking his own headspace through, and frowning when he came to the conclusion where he was mentally, "inbetween."

"That can happen," Brad said, knowing that Max was far from better, even if he was already making remarkable process, "so, how about we change your diaper, and we'll try to relax and see where your mind wants to go."

"I guess," Max said, reluctantly letting go of Brad. He sat down on the bed, looking at the caregiver collect all the stuff. Just one more race, and then it was summer break.

He guessed that he would need to stick close to Brad during that time, seeing his instable headspace, and Charles would be there as well, seeing the caregiver's instable headspace and the fact that he and Brad are in a relationship all of the sudden.

Max did wonder when that had happened, but both seemed to be okay with it.

But how long would it take for the two caregivers to decide that they would want a little of their own? What if they went looking for one in the summer break?

He guessed he could share, if the other little wouldn't mind having a clingy baby around. But he knew that soon the caregivers would have no time for him, and he would be expected to find one of his own.

He knew that there were littles who used paid services to have a caregiver around once every so often, to get the need out of their mind. He could do that as well.

"What are you thinking off, Max?" Brad asked, looking down at the little, who was startled by the closeness of the caregiver.

"Nothing important," Max said, the frown on his face deepening. It would be difficult to have Brad near him as just his personal trainer again.

"It made you look sad," Brad said, and Max shrugged, biting his lip. He saw Brad frown, and he knew that the caregiver would want to talk about it, so he beat him to it.

"Am wet, Braddy. Starts to feel itchy," Max said, shifting a little. The caregiver looked at him for a second, before nodding, letting go of the previous subject.

"Let's get you into a dry diaper," Brad said, helping Max lie down and removing the pants.

Not being completely in his headspace, Max kept his gaze firmly aimed at the ceiling, thoughtfully chewing his fingers while he felt Brad wipe his genitals.

It would be difficult, to find a caregiver who was willing to put up with the whole diaper thing, but it could be worked around.

"We're back," Charles said, opening the door, and Max felt the bed sag a bit when Lando came jumping on it.

"Hey there, baby," the little said, planting a kiss on Max's forehead, whose eyes widened when he realised that while he wasn't completely in headspace, Lando certainly was.

"Hiya, Lando," Max answered back, feeling it a bit weird to be called baby by the younger driver.

"We're just finishing up with Max's diaper, then you can get one as well," Brad said, and Max frowned at the Lando who scrunched up his nose.

"I don't need one. I just went potty," the little said, looking all too proud of himself. It made Max feel even worse about that aspect of himself. Normal littles could go potty, especially when they were big, and he just never managed.

Little MaxieWhere stories live. Discover now