Chapter 52

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Max was very enthusiastic in the bathtub, Brad noticed. The little kept on making wild waves, and Brad did laugh with him, but also told him to calm down a little.

"We still want to keep some water in the tub," the man said with a grin, and Max nodded, seriously, sitting back in the water, as still as possible looking at the caregiver with wide eyes.

The bubbles surrounded them, and it didn't take long before Max started to twitch, but he still tried to keep as still as possible.

"Maxie," Brad said, trying to sound calm and collected.

"Yes, Braddy?" Max asked, trying to make himself smaller while he looked at the caregiver with apprehension.

"You can still play," Brad said, seeing the little's eyes widen in surprise.

"I can?" Maxie exclaimed, "but I was bad. I spilled all the water,"

"You weren't bad," Brad said, knowing that he would need to repeat those words very often before Maxie would start to believe him, "you were a bit wild, and yes, water belongs in the tub not on the floor. That doesn't mean you can't play,"

"Oh, right," Maxie answered, and hesitantly reached out for some foam, squishing the bubbles in his hands. After Brad threw him an encouraging smile, he got a little bolder in his play ending up hanging on Brad and giving him a long beard.

"Now I look older than Marko," Brad said making Max laugh loudly in delight.

"Old man," Maxie said, wanting to put his hand in his mouth, but Brad stopped him.

"Watch out, there's foam on there," the caregiver said, and Max nodded, and continued to play until the water started to cool down.

After, Brad helped Max wash his hair and body before they got out of the tub. Making sure the little was nicely wrapped in a towel, he took his time to dry Max's hair and bring him to the bedroom, where he was put in a diaper and a sleeper.

"I like these," Maxie shyly confessed, lifting his foot and looking at the cloth around them, "it's a bit like a hug,"

"That sounds very nice indeed," Brad said, lifting Maxie, who wrapped his arms around the caregiver, content. They sat together in front of the TV watching a cartoon while Maxie got to drink a few sippy cups full of water and sports drink, to make up for the sweating he had been doing.

Of course, that resulted in a wet diaper rather quickly, which Max like usual neglected to tell Brad about. After all, it was much to cosy to snuggle up against the man while they watched TV.

"Are you tired, Maxie?" Brad asked when he saw Maxie's eyes starting to fall close.

"Perhaps," the little said, not really wanting to go to bed.

"Ah, perhaps we should consider a bedtime story and a bottle then?" Brad proposed, making Max think the offer over.

"A long story?" the little asked, and a wide smile blossomed on his face when Brad nodded his head.

Maxie let Brad take him to the bedroom, and the man quickly discarded the wet diaper, and a new one was put under him. The salve was once again applied, and Max was just starting to groan and complain when Brad handed him the now empty pot.

"It's empty!" he exclaimed in happiness, even while he felt Brad rub it everywhere.

"It is," Brad agreed, "should I call the doctor for some extra?"

"Noooo," Maxie said, looking at Brad in humor, but the caregivers smile told him it was just a joke. Max noticed the smile, and put out his tongue, "meany,"

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