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I contemplate calling him. He wouldn't pick it up. Or would he? I had no idea. To save myself an entire evening of disappointment, I decide to text him instead. Atleast he'll see what I have to say when he'd switch off his phone.

'Minho got into a small fight in school today. He's home and is fine now.'

The bruise on his cheek wasn't that bad, more like a few scratches. After cleaning it, I made him sleep. He was tired from all the crying.

My phone vibrates.
'Jungkook'  Mission successful, I guess.


"How is he?" I could hear shuffling on the other side. He must be on his way back home.

"He's fine now, sleeping."

"What happened? Is there any injury-" worry dripped in his voice and it felt good to know he still had that strong emotional attachment for them though he couldn't show it or didn't want to show it.

"-a small bruise on his cheek. It isn't bad. He was the one who hit the other kid." Jungkook stops whatever he was doing and its silent for a second.

"He hit first?" It was a surprise for me too.

"Yes. They demand a written apology." I pinched my nose bridge getting agitated over these school authority's biased nature. They hear one side of the story and assume the entire situation based on just that.

"To hell with a written apology!! Fuck-" he hissed maybe hitting his hand somewhere accidentally.

"Are you oka-"

"I'm going to go deal with them in my own way. There is no need to write an apology letter."

"Aren't you going to ask why he did it?" I was somewhat waiting for him to ask and was making up ways to convey it without making things weird.

"I might be an asshole of a person, Suzy. But I know my son. He isn't the type to react violently. They must have said something." I nodded my head as if he could see me, ignoring the intentional or unintentional jab when he stressed on 'my'.

"Right, wh-"

"I need to go. I'll come home early." And he disconnects the call.

The next day, we stand in the principal's office with Minho standing behind my legs, clutching onto the fabric of my dress while Jungkook talks with the Principal as they sat. He came here yesterday to sort things out.

The mother of that child, Jae, was persistent on getting an apology. I understood her dilemma but putting the entire blame on my child and not even acknowledging her son's fault was just bad parenting. It wouldn't be Jae's fault if he grows up to be ignorant and bites his mother's back who would make him like this. Who will she blame then?

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