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I officially declare Ji soo as the cutest baby on the planet. The cuteness aggression was real. I was barely able to stop myself from squashing her.
"Hi there, baby....Is your tummy full~?" I cooed at her while moving her legs back and forth, trying to make her fart. She giggled, as if, understanding me. I brought her legs up to her chest in a ninty degree angle and a big fart was heard. I laughed at how relieved she sounded after doing it.

Ji soo was sixteen months old. She was only a month old when her biological mother passed away. Poor thing. She doesnt even understand to grieve the loss of her mother. The way she looked at me, it involuntarily kicked in the motherly instincts which I never thought I had but I couldn't really bring myself to think she saw me as her mother. She was only a child and it scares me to think of the day she'd find out I didn't give birth to her. I don't want to imagine her reaction. So, to keep my little, fragile heart safe, I don't even consider myself worthy of being her mother. That didn't mean my love for her will lessen, it only grows by the passing minute.

"Good girl, baby. What time is it~?" I tickled her cute, round belly earning a squeaky chirp from her. "Its nap time!" Her eyes shined brighter than any heavenly body at the word 'nap'. Children dont have schedules but it was fixed that after every meal, she'd fall asleep for a short period with a full stomach. She is a hyperactive child but sleep is something she loves more than keeping everyone on their toes. This habit of her's reminded me of my brother. I made a mental note to call him today. Its been so long since I last heard from him. "You want a nap~ huh~ lets get you to bed." Tucking her securely in  her crib, I caressed her cheek for one last time. Leaving her was the hardest part of the day. There was a camera on her crib to keep check on her. I could take a look anytime I wanted but in a short period of time, I've grown so attached to her, it feels bare minimum to take care of her like this. I want to be present around her at all times.

It was just a coincidence that I came early yesterday and got to live the moment when she spoke her first word. I was stunned for a moment, stared at her with wide eyes as my brain glitched. She laughed at my expressions and wiggled in my embrace. I was so happy to experience that. If it was so overwhelming for me, someone who wasn't her real parent, it would be so precious for Jungkook. It got me all excited and I instantly called him. I sighed at how that turned out.

Just then, my eyes fell on a coat. Jungkook's coat. He came here last night. I remember him coming inside our room and the mattress dipping. "Did it cost you a fortune to spend a few minutes with your daughter?"  Then why couldn't he do it everyday? I heard Ji soo's giggles and squeaks around five in the morning. He must have been playing with her and when I came out of shower, he was gone. What kind of work did he have so early? His office building didn't even open before eight.

I softly massaged Jisoo's scalp, her baby hair turning into a small nest. Her eyes slowly started feeling heavy as it became hard to keep them open. Just a few more rubs and she was asleep. I pecked her chubby cheeks before going out of her room.

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