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☆ 12. Chapter 11 Supplies

Chapter 11 Supplies

Lian Sheng sprayed hemostatic white medicine on his wound and put on a sterile dressing. While wrapping the bandage, he asked with a smile: "Is this the first time Xiao Wen has come out?"

Seeing Bai Zhou nodded, Liansheng smiled and sighed: "No wonder. But it's okay. It's okay to walk a little longer. That's it."

He spoke vaguely, and Wen Baizhou understood.

He stood aside until Lian Sheng was completely bandaged, and then he said, "Do you think I'm stupid for doing this?"

Lian Sheng laughed when he heard this: "Who hasn't been stupid before? I just think... your goal is a bit It's too ambitious."

It's too ambitious and unrealistic, and it's not something that can be achieved in the short time of this life.

But think about Wen Baizhou's treasure chest-like tactical vest, and the brand-new jacket worn by Brother Heng that obviously didn't belong to him. With such a rich family background, Xiaowen must be a treasured kid in a big bunker.

It is normal for young people who have been raised pampered to have some unrealistic ideals.

"What if." Wen Baizhou blinked and said softly, "You see life is so sad, you must have some dreams."

Lian Sheng just smiled.

He balled up the bandages and threw them into the corner. He patted the quilt again and said, "Brother Heng will be working on it for a while. Don't stand. Come and sit."

This single bed is less than one meter wide. , the length is only 1.8 meters. Lian Sheng was half lying on the head of the bed, bending one foot to make way for Wen Baizhou.

Wen Baizhou sat down at the end of his bed.

The two of them chatted one after another, and Wen Baizhou felt a little hot.

He unconsciously unbuttoned his coat, but still felt very uncomfortable. He looked around and asked Lian Sheng, "Do you feel too hot?"

"Is it hot?" Lian Sheng wore thinner clothes than Wen Baizhou and didn't feel hot for the time being. But he was not surprised: "Then Brother Heng should have repaired the electric heating circuit."

"Electric heating?!"

Wen Baizhou was shocked: "Is there an electric heating here?"

"Yes." Lian Sheng smiled. Said, "When the subway station was renovated to serve as a supply point, wasn't the key project the installation of electric heating? Otherwise, in this weather, how can people survive after being busy outside all day and still not find a warm place to spend the night."

"No wonder those people are coming to the supply point..."

"Yeah." Lian Sheng responded, his smile fading.

"Actually, everyone has a desire to survive, and it's normal for them to gather at supply points. But... they crowded in, and it really made life difficult for us ground personnel." The

supply point was originally meant for them, the ground workers. Prepared by personnel.

Ground work is highly dangerous, and you will encounter all kinds of unpredictable accidents. Getting injured and losing supplies are all things that happen. That's why there are supply points to provide them with supplies and treat their wounds.

But now, there is only one overnight function left.

Wen Baizhou didn't understand. Just when he was about to ask, he heard the sound of opening the door.

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