Chapter 8

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Arthit smirked at his phone, before putting it away. His omega was being very demanding today. Demanding ice coffee, and chocolate ice cream, now saying he wanted pizza for dinner. Of course, like the good alpha he is, he went to get the ice coffee and ice cream and is just placed the order for the pizza. Kong was sore and upset. His heat ended this morning, and Arthit wouldn't allow him to leave the bed. Kong had told him he was fine, and he could go to class, but the moment he tried to get up, he cried out in pain. Arthit had put his foot down and told him he was staying in bed. Kong had every right to be demanding in the alpha's eyes. Plus, what he demanding wasn't unreasonable. He never demanded money, he never demanded material things. All he demanded was massages, food, cuddles, and his alpha time. Which Arthit was more than happy to follow those demands.

They again missed their classes. They were lucky they lived in a country that had a law that exempt heat and rut from the attendance policy. If both alpha and omega worked in the same place, or went to school together, they had to show proof of their registration as mates. This allowed the mates to both be exempt from the attendance policy. This saved Arthit and Kong a lot of grief from the professors. Arthit wasn't sure how that would translate into the working world. Arthit knew that Kong would start working in his family company, after graduation, unless he wanted to go for his masters. As for Arthit, he didn't know yet were he wanted to work. He would love to work with Kong, make sure his omega was safe. Yet he didn't want to be labeled as someone who got their job because of their mate. He didn't have much time to think about it through. He only had one more year left.

The night before his heat started, the pair had a very long talk, voices were raised, and things were said, but they got everything out of their system. Kong wanted things to go back to the way they were before he started collage. He knew that wasn't possible though. Arthit swore that he would never act that way towards Kong again. It had broken something in him when he couldn't feel his omega anymore. Kong swore that he would not wonder off anymore, that he wouldn't let Arthit talk to him like that again. They both swore to talk everything out. Neither wanted to go though what they did over the last three months again.

After their fight, after they talked everything out, after they worked out all their feelings. They made love. Slow, sweet, and intense. It was like their first time all over again. Kong sobbing as he came. It was a beautiful sight, for Arthit eyes only. Kong heat started just a few short hours after that, and Arthit was Kong sex slave for the next four day. Something Arthit would never complain about.

"P'Arthit?" Arthit was pulled out of his thought, stopping just shy of opening the lobby door of their apartment complex. Confused he looked around. Nobody outside their family, which includes their friends, knew where they lived. They wanted it that way. It kept people away. The alpha loved his alone time with his omega when home. He was more confused when he found a young girl standing a few feet away. He didn't recognize her from this year freshman batch they just finished hazing. She had the normal university school uniform. So, he didn't know if she was from his university or not. Since she called his name, Arthit assumed she went to his school. The young girl head was down and her hands where behind her back. He had a feeling what this was, and he already felt bad for turning her down. She seem shy, and a little hesitant.

"Yes?" She looked at him, slight fear in her eyes.

"I...I have something for you." She pulled out a box from behind her back handing it to him. "Can you please except this gift?" Arthit looked at the gift, then at her.

"You know I'm mated right? I have an omega." She looked at him then behind her then him again. He looked behind her, finding a group of people. There were six of them, four girl and two boys. They all were smiling and pointing. One of the girls, Arthit assume is the leader, stood in front with an architecture jacket. He recognizes it as one from their school.

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