Chapter 7

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Kong watched as two male student reenacted where he told Arthit he would be his wife. He closed his eyes bowing his head. No wonder Arthit didn't love him anymore. No wonder he was such a disappointment to his alpha. At the time he just wanted to prove a point but seeing someone else do it made the omega embrassed. He didn't even want to see Arthit face right now. He know what he would see. Rage and disappointment. It would all be Kong's fault again. He truly couldn't do anything right.

"Why the hell did you do this act?" Kong hissed at Oak, who looked at him confused. The freshman laughing around them.

"Hey man I asked you; you said you were okay with it." Kong closed his eyes taken a deep breath. If he could get up and walk out right now, he would.

"Stop! That is enough!" Arthit yelled. Kong bowed his head shoulder slumping. He reached into his pocket playing with Arthit gear again. "You all find this funny?! I think this is rude and disrespectful. This is out of line! This is not funny to me! Do you not want your gear badges from us?! Get the fuck off the stage! And keep your heads down!! Close your eyes and keep your head down!"

Arthit looked around, his eyes landing on the slump shoulders of his mate. He watched his mate closely all day. He noticed how he would zone out, playing with something in his hands. He notice the puffy eyes, the bags, and the tear strains on his omega cheek. He fucked up, calling him a disappointment, yelling at him the way he did. Tonight, he was going to make it right. He was going to make it up to his omega, no matter what it took.

The lights went out in the room, making the room bitch black. It was already dark outside, and the freshman didn't know what was going on. All of a sudden they heard what sounded like ticking. One by one they each raised their head. In front of them was a screen, with numbers counting down. A video of the hazing team started playing. Kong couldn't take his eyes off his mate. The way he looked so soft and gentle. The way he always was...use to be with Kong. Kong could feel tears start to feel his eyes again, as his eyes landed on their mate mark. It was peeking though the shirt Arthit had worn.

"It's on, it has already started recording. Arthit start your speech." Tutah said on screen. The freshman looked around confused and in wonder. Until this trip they had never seen their hazer look so relaxed.

"What do you want me to say?" Arthit asked. "Kongpob normally helps me with this stuff." He said rubbing his pants. The freshman laughed. Aim nudged Kong shoulder gentle.

"Oh, come on, if you were going to have such a tough time then you should have told your omega instead of hiding it you stupid alpha." Tutah said shaking his head.

"Just say what is in your heart. Pretend it's just Kongy boy you are talking too. Let it just flow out." Knott said.

"We don't have all day come on." Tutah said. Arthit took a deep breath looking at the camera. Kong couldn't help but lock eyes with his alpha. This might be the last time he saw his alpha. The last time he heard his alpha voice. He wanted to take in everything. He didn't want to miss anything. He wanted to ease every bad memory and only focus on the good. It is what will help him get though his life. His Alpha was nervous Kong could tell by the way he kept rubbing his hands on his pants.

"First years. It's been a long three months, not only for you, but for us as well. We were assigned a duty. A duty to teach and lead you, to help you unite as one. A lot of you hate us, we know that. We have made you upset, and made you felt bad, and for that we are truly sorry." Kong felt his tears fall. This was recorded before their fight, but Kong wanted to pretend, just for a moment that those words were ment for him, and that his alpha forgave him. "Lastly...and you might not like this...but you will still need our permission to do anything, every time." The freshman groaned but didn't say anything. "We...your seniors...also need to ask your permission for one thing. As we have preached to you for the last three months, that you need to earn being our juniors. Can we ask that you let us be your seniors? If you let us be your seniors, then please...go to the beach...we are waiting for you there." The hazers waved at them. The freshman stood up, before heading out. Their spirts much higher then before.

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