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Bellamy manages to get Azara down the ladder safely so he places her back in the cot she was lying in a while ago. Now they wait. They wait for the siblings to wake up.


Finn wakes up with a groan, catching Clarke's attention. "Hey, hey, take it easy" Clarke helps Finn sit up. "How long was I out for?" Finn asks. "About half a day" Clarke answers. "You two are lucky the poison didn't kill you". "Where is she?" Finn questions. Clarke points to the cot behind him, "Right there. She's alive but just sleeping. She lost a lot of blood yesterday so she fell unconscious. She cares for you, Finn. She'd die and kill for you just to keep you safe even if it means she'd die in the process". Finn smiles at her words. He knows his sister will do anything to keep him safe and alive, just like he will with her. "How did I get so lucky?" Finn chuckles. Clarke grins at the boy. "Wait, she didn't kill anyone right?" Finn turns back to Clarke. The blonde lets out a laugh, "Almost, but I stopped her". Finn sighs. "I'll let Raven know you're awake" Clarke leaves the dropship.

When Clarke informs Raven about Finn, the brunette rushes out of the tent. Clarke stays outside letting Raven and Finn have their alone time. "Any news about the Collins?" Bellamy walks up to Clarke. "Finn's awake, Azara's breathing and her color are back to normal" She informs. "But she's not awake?". Clarke shakes her head. "How come? Finn had it worse than she did" Bellamy raises an eyebrow. "The poison and blood loss took a toll on her but she'll get better in no time" Clarke explains.

"You hear that Jones? Your girlfriend is gonna be okay" Dax nudges the mentioned boy. "Shut up. She's not my girlfriend" Jones rolls his eyes. "Not yet" Dax snickers. "Jones, I wanted to thank you for taking care of her when I couldn't" Clarke thanks him. "No need to thank me. She's a necessity to us and she is strong enough to stand her own ground. She's a leader" Jones states. "She's stubborn is what she is" Bellamy chimes in. "That stubbornness is probably what kept her alive" Jones glares. Bellamy raises an eyebrow seeing that he's serious. "Well thank goodness for her stubbornness" Clarke takes note of Jones's stare.

A few hours later, Azara wakes up to an empty dropship. Grunting as she sits up on the cot, getting a better view of the place. "No one's here?" She mutters. Azara notices her bag hanging on the wall beside the cot so she stands, pulling it over her shoulder. She takes a sip of water from her canteen and heads toward the dropship door. Jasper is the one to spot her first and he jogs over to her, hugging her, "You're awake. Thank God". Azara hugs him back with a smile, "It's going to take more than that to kill me... although that was cutting it close". Jasper snorts, "You can say that again". "Where's Finn? Clarke? Raven?" Azara glances around camp. "Clarke's in Bellamy's tent. They're discussing how we can get more food" Jasper nods over at Bellamy's tent. "Alright thanks" Azara walks over to Bellamy's tent.

"Coming in" Azara enters the tent. Clarke, Bellamy, and Jones snap their heads to the entrance. "You shouldn't be walking around just yet" Clarke hugs her. "Seriously, a lecture as soon as I open my eyes?" Azara hugs the blonde back with a soft smile. "You know what I meant" Clarke nudges the brunette as she releases the hug, letting out a soft laugh. "Glad to have you back up and running" Jones smiles. "Can't get rid of me that easily," Azara smiles back. The three of them are relieved to see Azara out of her weakened state. Azara glances over at Bellamy, "So how are we getting food?". "By we, I mean not you. You still need rest," Bellamy tells her. Azara purses her lips, "I'm fine. The wires in my stomach are very uncomfortable tho". Clarke moves Azara's shirt up a bit to take a look at the wound. "Seems to be doing okay" Clarke places the bandage back in its place. "All thanks to you. Anyway, let me know when you're leaving to get food... If you don't I'll find my way to you" Azara leaves the tent. The three of them stand there looking at each other. "She seems to be in a brighter mood" Jones states. "After Charlotte's death, she hasn't smiled that much" Clarke sighs.

"I hope you two are decent" Azara walks into Raven's tent. "Oh shit!" Raven hugs the girl. "Damn, what do y'all take me for? You guys are like the fifth and sixth person I saw that's surprised to see me". "You have no idea what I've been through without the two of you" Raven shakes her head as Finn hugs his little sister. "Just glad you're okay" Finn sighs. "Could say the same here brother" Azara says.

"Here, I made this for you" Finn hands her a small wooden carving that he carved. "I finally get one" Azara smiles. "Had to find the perfect thing for you" Finn smiles back. Azara thanks him as she looks at the small wooden carving in her hands. The wooden carving are two people hugging each other. A boy with medium-length hair, resembling Finn, and a girl with long hair and what looks to be braids, resembling Azara. "I love it".

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