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We left Irene and sat in the car in shock.

Veronica is in shock. She looks like she wants to simultaneously murder and cry at the same time.

I reach my hand over and hold hers. I squeeze it and she nods.

"I'm....okay Lisa."

"Are you ready? Shall we go find out why she did this?"

Veronica looks at me. "I'm scared."

I nod and pull my hand away to turn on the engine. "Me too."

We drive away from Hyeri's apartment and back to the castle. We both run out of the car and into the main lobby again before running up the stairs and to the separate elevators that lead to people's rooms.

"I don't have your mom's—"

"I know where they are."

She goes to the side and digs into a potted plant, spilling soil all over the place.

"What the hell?!" I shout.

"Shit!" She shouts and runs to the next potted plant.

"What are you doing?!" I shout.

"The spare keys for all the rooms are buried in one of these plants. My dad told me, Walter and Rosé as a joke."

"It's a joke!"

"It's worth a try Lisa!"

I start digging into a nearby potted plant. I dump soil on the side and beautiful carpets. I groan when I don't find anything. I move onto the sexy plant and dig like a dog through the soil, not caring at all about anything.

I gasp. "I found one!"

"What's the name she shouts?!"

I check it. "James. Your ominous uncle."

"Thomas is the happy creepy one. Keep looking! Put the key back!" I drop it and move to the next plant.

Not even a few seconds later, Veronica shouts, "LISA!"

I whip my around and see her holding up a key. We both run to Mrs.Parkson's elevator.

Veronica slides it into the slot and we step into it. It takes up and a minute later, I'm walking into Mrs.Parkson'z bedroom.

"Ronny?" She asks and then her eyes land on me and I see a look of passive disgust pass her face. "What are you doing here?"

"Where is Rosé?" I ask.

Her eyes widen and I know she wasn't expecting that.

I go forward and she screams prematurely before I grip her shirt tightly.

"Ronny help me!" She screams.

"You did this to yourself," Veronica says menacingly.

"No! I-I—"

"Veronica," I say. "Search the room for whatever could've been Mr.Parkson's letter."

I hear Veronica moving papers and sifting through things while I hold onto Mrs.Parkson.


I pull away from Mrs.Parkson and read the letter.

Dear Rosé,

What a hard 5 it's been. The diagnosis and my dosage on my medications. Barely anyone living in the house.

I know that you're alone. I know that you will continue to be alone even after I die, so listen to this Rosé:

(Not) On Vacation (Sequel to "Blind In Love") (Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now