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We went to the police station to inquire about the cars.

"Are you sure that there is no difference between the cars? And wouldn't it be confusing to identify them?"

The officer sighs. "No. They are all under the same name, which is Mr.Richard Parkson. We just made an exception for him. Mr.Parkson said that it would help keep the paparazzi away and the...." He glances at Rosé once before looking at me "and the scandals low."

Rosé tightens her jaw and I reach across under the table and hold her hand. She turns her head to me and but I keep looking at the officer.

"So the cars are all under his name and you—"

"He funded the police stations close to his house to keep his family safe. So of course we were going to let him do whatever he wants."

"It's still against the law."

"How can you talk about the law? We are the law!"

I'm about ready to punch him in the face when I hear, "Oh! Lisa!"

I turn my head and see JK walking towards us.

I smile. "Hey Just Kidding!"

JK grins and the officer talking to us stands up.

"Chief," he says respectfully and I raise an eyebrow at JK.

He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it."

His eyes drift behind me and they turn a bit annoyed.

"Rosé" He says. "It's nice to see you again."

I nod and look at her. "Do you make frequent visits to the police station?"

"Oh plenty! Right Rosé?" JK says.

Rosé just stares at him and doesn't answer.

Weird but okay, whatever.

"Come to my office. I'll help you," he offers generously and we both stand and follow him.

JK walks next to me and asks, "What are you here for?"

"I found out recently that there are 3 cars with the same license plate under late Mr.Parkson's name."

We take a turn around a hallway and opens the door for us and closes it once we're settled in chairs in front of his desk. I hear the click of the door before he walks around to behind his desk and sitting the chair, typing quickly away on his keyboard.

JK nods. "Yes. There are. They have no track record so we didn't—"

"One of the cars nearly killed us," I state seriously.

He blinks and moves a hand through his already ruffled hair. "Wow. Okay."

"We went down a rural road so there's probably no CCTV footage but if there's anyway we can track the cars and any time they might've gotten repaired then it would be good."

He nods and looks back at his computer. "Can you give me a few minutes? You can stay here but I need to look through some things."

I nod and relax back into the chair.


My priorities have gone haywire since the moment I kissed Lisa.

As soon as I kissed her, I knew my life would never be the same. I had never thought about kissing women before but kissing Lisa had been more than I could've ever imagined. After that day, I could barely think about anything else. I was scared and lost and I didn't want to talk to Veronica about it even though she is bisexual herself.

(Not) On Vacation (Sequel to "Blind In Love") (Chaelisa)Where stories live. Discover now