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"I hate you!" The abusive man yells at me.

I grin. "I won't hold it against you! But the court has a ton against you!"

He gets pushed into the back of the police car and I finally let out a breath of relaxation.

It's nearly 10 at night and my team consisting of Irene, Soojoo, Seulgi and Mina, have been working on trying to get evidence on a domestic violence case.

Jisoo worked on them a lot when she used to be the head of the forces. She suggested that we put up ads for him to buy a camera since a video couldn't be presented in court without consent. He finally gave in and bought a camera. And as we predicted he forgot about it in his temper and let it all out on his wife.

Took the recording as evidence and now we get to lock up the bastard.

I turn to my team. "Good work! Have a great night!"

All of them bow and wish me a goodnight. Seulgi and Irene go in the same car and Soojoo and Mina start talking with big smiles.

I leave in my car, all alone.

Well, I'm not technically alone.

I have a girlfriend.

And she's at my apartment, waiting for me.

I park and get out of car. I go into the building and it takes me up to my penthouse.

I walk through the door and Minnie asks, "What's the password to your wifi? I thought you told me it."

I nod. "I did but I changed it." I change it every other day so that no one can hack into my wifi and take any valuable information I might have on my computer.

She nods. "What is it?"

I tell her and she types it in. She smiles and walks over to me. She wraps her arms around my neck. "How did your case go?"

I tense and say, "How did you know I was on a case?"

She sighs and pulls away. "Lisa, you come home at 11 at night and you canceled our date tonight. And I know you work as a cop. What other option could it have been?"

I relax and rub my face. "You're right."

She crosses her arms. "Lisa, do you trust me?"

I pull my hand away and stare at her.

I want to say yes. She's my girlfriend for goodness sake! But I can't. She could easily betray me. She could easily do something.

I shake my head and stare at the ground.

"W-Why?" She says and I know she didn't what that voice crack to show.

I look at her and she looks heartbroken. "It's not you. It's me," I explain vaguely.

She laughs while I see tears in her eyes. "I can't believe I actually got told that line."

I sigh. "It's true Minnie. I....I got burned by someone I loved...and I can't keep...." Emotion closes my throat and cover my face in my hands.

I don't expect her to understand. I don't expect anyone to understand what I'm going through. Everything's just too much.

I felt hands wrap around my wrist and pull my hands from my face. She has tears in her eyes as she asks, "This is hurting you as much as it is me, isn't it?"

I nod slowly and she pulls me into a hug.

Minnie sighs. "As much as I want to be here for you, you need to heal by yourself without someone else being a burden."

(Not) On Vacation (Sequel to "Blind In Love") (Chaelisa)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora