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"You heard this from Veronica?" Rosé asks. "And Laura?"

I nod and she pulls her knees up and hugs them. We're both sitting in the sofa after waking up and eating breakfast already. "I never thought..... Veronica hates my guts to the bone but I never imagined she would want to do this. And Laura....." she rests her chin on top of her knees. "I trusted her."

"I know. And we're going to get them in jail and prove it."

"What did she hand Laura?"

I shake my head. "I don't know. I think it was poison but it could be something else."

Rosé swallows harshly. "It could be anything then. She could come to me with anything that could kill me?"

I don't want to but I nod solemnly and she takes a shaky breath.

"We'll catch them. Today."


"Are you just going to be silently walking around without telling me what's going through your head?"

I've been pacing around the room, trying to think of a plan but nothing is coming to my mind.

"What about your uncle Thomas?" I ask to just get my mind off the current subject. "I thought you had—"

"It's nothing," she says. "He just constantly belittles me and he might seem charming on the outside but he calls me out and yells at me and.... It's the one thing my dad never agreed on with me. He looked up to Uncle Thomas a lot."

"What about your other uncle?"

"Oh! He never cared about me. He honestly doesn't care about anything. Even his own family."

"Could they be involved?" I ask while overthinking.

She sighs. "Lisa. You said you saw Laura and Veronica plotting something against me. Only them. How would be uncles be brought into this?"

I rub my forehead. "I don't know. I just needed to think of something else."

She gets up and walks over to me. She pulls my hands from my face and squeezes them.

"Everything's going to be okay," she says with an encouraging smile. "I'll be okay."

I stare at her and the thought of her getting hurt makes me afraid. It makes me so scared.

How can she make me feel this way in 4 weeks? It took me nearly 4 months to feel this way about Rosie.

She lets go of my hands and circles her arms around my waist in a tight hug. She pats my back. "We'll think of something Lisa."

"I need to tell you something," I say.

She pulls away and looks at me.

I stare into her dark eyes. "I need to go back to Korea in two weeks."

Her arms drop from around me and to her sides. "Why?"

"Why else? My life is there Rosé. I am the head of the organization there. I can't abandon it forever."

She nods slowly. "Y-Yeah. I forgot." She chuckles. "You have your whole life in Korea and I've been keeping you back. I'm sorry."

I shake my head and hold her shoulder. "You have nothing to be sorry about. I'm helping you and that's all that matters now. We'll capture them before I leave."

Rosé just stares at me and I grin. "Trust me."

"I do," she whispers. "I do trust you."


(Not) On Vacation (Sequel to "Blind In Love") (Chaelisa)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt