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I didn't expect to bump into her, I knew everyone was out and I assumed she would be as well. I had asked this girl out on a date to get Ronnie off my mind.

It had just backfired really.

I walked back into the hotel room with my date on my heels. I really just wanted to see Ronnie now, I wanted to explain everything. I know she didn't care to see me, she acted like she hated me already so this sure wasn't going to get me any brownie points.

"She didn't seem to like you" My date speaks to me as a giggle leaves her mouth. She was an amazing woman sure, she was kind but fuck this now I wanted her to leave.

I feel her step towards me as her hand comes to my chest. She leans up to crash her lips onto mine but I pull away before she can touch my lips.

"Can you go please?" I ask her, I think it would become pretty clear soon enough. She steps back before scoffing at me, I watch as she rolls her eyes at me.

"Because of her?" She asks me, I wanted to deny it and pretend like I wasn't going to run to her door and attempt to sort this entire situation out but I couldn't.

"I have to sort that out"

"Is she your girlfriend or something?" She spits back at me.

We had been out for dinner and had a great night, sure I had planned to come back here and fuck her just like she had been talking about all night long. The second I had seen Ronnie everything changed, she had turned me down and shot me down time and time again. Yet the second I saw her I wanted her once again.

She had a hold over me, a hold I couldn't get rid of.

I hated her a few weeks ago and now she was all that was on my mind.

"No she's not but I've pissed her off and I have to fix it" I tell her, I rubbed the back of my head with my hand as I looked at her.

"Whatever" She speaks before storming out of the hotel room.

She had strolled into my life and taken control of everything. I sigh as I begin to make my way down the hall towards Ronnie's room. I knew I would probably be told to go and fuck myself but I also didn't care.

As I reach her door I knock without hesitation, as much as I was scared she would tell me to fuck off I also didn't really care anymore.

As quickly as the door opened it was slammed in my face once again. I take my hand to the door to stop it from closing all together, I hear her scoff as the door didn't shut.

"Fuck off Charles" She speaks before walking into her room. I follow her into the hotel room as I shut the door behind me, I knew she was pissed off at me because she didn't call me Charlie.

"Ronnie come on, you can't be pissed off at me"

"I'm not" She denies, I knew she was lying. I saw the way she acted, she would never tell me but I knew she had a little crush on me. Hell she wouldn't act this way if she didn't, I saw the way she looked at me.

I saw the way she moaned my name, I felt her body against mine.

"Then why are you acting this way"

"Go back to your girlfriend" She speaks to me as she takes a seat on the couch. I stand over her knowing she wanted to get under my skin, she wanted to piss me off.

"You sound jealous Ronnie?"

If she wanted to play this game, we could fucking play.

Your Fatal Love [Charles Leclerc]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora