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7:55pm on the dot I arrived at the meeting spot, I looked out and saw him waiting. I took the helmet off my head and placed it on the back of my bike before I walked over to him. Cash faced away from me but I could smell the smoke as it left it mouth.

"7:55" I speak, this caused him to turn around with a huge smile on his face. Almost like he wasn't really expecting me to show up, I guess I wouldn't expect me too either.

Cash was someone I would usually go for, I think that was the issue really. I always go for assholes so this seemed fitting.

"I told you I would be there early" He tells me as he leans down and embraces me in a hug. I lightly hug him back before pulling away and heading over to the wall where I sit down, my legs swinging as we looked out onto the water.

I enjoyed the water, I think it was peaceful. I could stay looking at it all day long, I mean even though it was always moving it always looked the same. I think I enjoyed about water, no matter what you never stood in the same place again.

Everything was always changing.

I wish I was always changing, but I just seemed to stay as the same bitch.

"So why did you text me?" He asks, I turn my head to him looking into his eyes.

I didn't know if I should be totally honest and just say that the one man I claim to hate had turned me down so I called him to make Charles jealous. Even though he wouldn't see us, god I wish he could see us.

I just wanted to see his face as he saw Cash and I together. Looking like we were made to be, we looked like the perfect couple for christ sake.

"Boredom" I shrug at him, I turn my body as I look at him as he smirks at me.

As always he thought I was kidding, I was not kidding at all. I only messaged him to make a man that didn't care about me jealous.

I lived a sad life.

"You're charming aren't you" He sniggers at me. I roll my eyes at him knowing that this was a fucking awful idea. "How about I take you out for some drinks?" He asks me.

"Drinks?" I ask him, I really wasn't expecting him to want to take me on a real date. I was expecting to just sit here, perhaps I would get a kiss or something.

Anything, I didn't care about a real date.

"Yeah, there's this bar not too far from here?"

Not too far from here meant one thing, Charles could be there. He might see us, fuck why was I even so bothered.

"Sure, but I'm riding" I speak as I climb off the wall and start walking over to the bike before I straddle it. I cock my head over calling him over to me, I watch him giggle before he climbs on behind me.

The drive wasn't too long, hell it wasn't long at all. Cash was directing me the entire way, I think my heart nearly fell out of my ass when we pulled up and I watched Charles and a few of the other guys walking into the bar.

They hadn't seen me, I still had my helmet on and well they weren't looking out for me. So why would they notice me?

I climb off the bike with Cash's helping me off I take the helmet off trying to keep my eyes away from Charles. I wanted bin to see me, but now I was here I didn't want him too not with Cash. I didn't want him to think I was dating anyone, I had these weird feelings towards him and I didn't know why.

As we started walking into the bar I feel Cash attempt to grab my hand. I snatch it away from him as I look to him with a frown across my face.

"What are you doing?" I snap at him, the frown was plastered across my face.

Your Fatal Love [Charles Leclerc]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang