Magic Paw Tales: Temporarily Exiled Angel and Demon Pups

Start from the beginning

Other Angel and Demon Pups: (curiously look at the protective nature of the twosome)

Pup God of Death and Pup Goddess of Life: Mason, mind helping?

Mason: Gladly!

(Demon Pup and Angel Pup Leaders grabbed out of the air by Mason)

Demon Pup and Angel Pup Leaders: Hey!

Radiance and Inferno: (raises their wings to discover Mason now holding their former superiors by the fur on their chests)

Demon Pup and Angel Pup Leaders: (growls) I order you to release me pathetic human!

Pup God of Death and Pup Goddess of Life: (snickers) Who said Mason's human?

Mason: You're speaking to the elemental brawler leader!

Demon Pup and Angel Pup Leaders: Let go of us! (bites Mason's hands but he's unfazed)

Mason: I've been bitten by far worse things than you two!

Pup God of Death: Mason my friend, I believe there is a way of ending this feud! Remove the leadership from both sides or give it to better leaders!

Demon Pup and Angel Pup Leaders: (angrily) Never!

Pup Goddess of Life: Then perhaps we should consider the duel of honor?

Mason: Life, are you sure?

Pup Goddess of Life: If peace is ever able to be discovered and prevent innocent lives from being lost, then a duel of honor must be done!

Mason: You do recall those are to the death, right?

Pup Goddess of Life: (nods)

Demon Pup and Angel Pup Leaders: (growls) Bring it!

(scene changes to a magically summoned coliseum with Demon pups on one side and the Angel pups on the other while Radiance, Inferno, Kindle, and Torch sit alongside the Pup God of Death and Pup Goddess of Life)

Radiance: (concerned) Pup Goddess of Life, will Mason be okay?

Pup Goddess of Life: (paw over her heart) Mason chose to temporarily remove his power and asked me to hold them until the fight ends!

Pup God of Death: If he falls then his powers will return and revive him in seconds!

Pup Goddess of Life: I do know that containing the power of the elemental brawler leader within myself is a very major honor! I promise Mason that I will ensure his powers are returned!

Mason: (enters the arena wielding a silver battle axe) (raises the axe) I shall do my best to free all of you from the corrupted leaders that currently lead you!

Demon Pup and Angel Pup Leaders: (arrives welding swords) (mocking) Ha! You think you can beat me! (scoffs) You were foolish to fight without your powers!

Pup God of Death: That reminds me! (removes the powers of both leaders)

Demon Pup and Angel Pup Leaders: (shocked) What!?

Pup God of Death: Had to make it fair! You'll get them back once it's over!

Mason: Also if I win, the family of Radiance and Inferno are free to come and go as they please!

Demon Pup and Angel Pup Leaders: Fine! (scoffs) But that will never happen!

(the trio charge into battle against each other)

Pup God of Death and Pup Goddess of Life: You think we should've mentioned Mason was a champion fighter of the elemental brawlers?

Sound: (metal clashing)

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