
karaku glares at gyutaro in jealousy, "stop getting close to her!" he hisses, baring his fangs at the upper moon, "she's mine!"

"ours," aizetsu corrects as urogi and sekido nod in agreement.

gyutaro gets in karaku's face, eyes wide and huge, "who says she's yours?" His claw dig into karaku's skin threateningly.

enmu hugs himself whilst ignoring the commotion happening beside him, a sly grin on his face, "isn't this nice? i feel so loved you care so much about me, my little bird~." He coos, making the female bristle in embarrassment.

"urusai!!" sekido snaps at lower moon one, eyeing him with a sneer, "she meant all of us, not you alone, pissant!" He insults angrily as enmu stares back unfazed.

rui scoffs, glaring hatefully at them, "actually nee-san meant me since i was with her before any of you." lil bro was not about to let these dinguses one-up him!!

daki yawns in her palm, shrugging as she kicks her legs back and forth while lying on her stomach, "who cares if you knew (y/n) first." the little spider demon scowls at her, death written all over him. I CARE!!  He huffs.

the demons begin to argue amongst themselves on who the (h/c)-ette likes more, shoving and scratching at each other in their chibi forms, making her sigh. It was like baby-sitting a couple of kids!


It was the next day and (y/n) was with tanjiro as she heads to the former sound hashira's estate. Upon arriving she sees tengen hitting the slayers with a stick like some old grandpa, an irk mark on his head, "slow, slow, slow!! what the hell are you guys doing!? your stamina is low as hell and this is basic running!!!" He insults, shouting at them.

tengen is the first pillar the slayers go to. He does the initial hazing, basic stamina training. It's so the slayers has more endurance and doesn't die out so quickly in battle especially since this is the calm of the storm. They can't afford to be laidback hence why he and the other hashira are pushing them to their limits and breaking points.

(y/n) spots makio, suma and hinatsuru. They were in charge of meal preparation and distribution, "yo!" She raises her hand as she approaches. The girls look at her with beaming smiles, greeting her back enthusiastically.

"(Y/N)!!!" suma launches herself at the female, "where have you been?!! we missed you!!" she wails loudly, getting snot and tears on her clothes, making the foreign girl cringe but she patted her head nonetheless.

suma was yanked backwards by makio, the girl tossing her carelessly to the side to face (y/n), "it's been a while, we've been waiting for you." she grin, hand on her propping hip.

before (y/n) can utter a word back, the foreign girl freezes when a large hand creeps up on the side of her body before engulfing her in an embrace, bringing her back as she felt a muscular chest behind her. She tilts her head back, blinking owlishly, "tengen..." she mutters, eyeing his missing arm...—

the former sound hashira smirks down at her, leaning down to peck her head lovingly, making her fluster as he tightens his grip, "i've been awaiting you, my fourth wife. It's been too long. I heard you've been busy these past days and even brought another upper moon once again," he sighs before grinning, "i don't expect nothing else from my wife!" He cackles loudly as the slayers in training watch with disbelief.

(y/n) was pulled back gently by tanjiro, who gives off a forced smile to the former sound hashira, holding the girl protectively, "uzui-san, it's been a while."

tengen swiftly pulls (y/n) back into his arm, subtly glaring at the kamado boy for laying his hands on his wife, "...hm, that's right. I heard you and my wife fought an upper moon and won. I gotta say, the only people in tip-top shape are you and (y/n). So i'm gonna train your bodies into good shape." He winks at the foreign girl, making her wary.

"...you better not try some perverted shit on me!" (y/n) hisses, making tengen laugh nervously.

"what?!...no!...why would i??...let's get started...!" The sound hashira pulls her behind him as she stumbles on her feet whilst tanjiro trails after them, a fake smile on his face as he witnesses the scene.

Thus the training began. (y/n) wonders if it was her imagination, but...was tengen being more harsh on tanjiro than he was in the manga? not to mention, the former sound hashira was being extremely close to her and subtly touching her intimately, making her shiver. It didn't help how close his voice was to her ear when he speaks. He was practically showing favoritism.

"uhm...is this really apart of endurance training?" the (h/c)-ette hesitantly asks. tengen was helping her stretch her legs to be more flexible in the battle. She was in a hamstring position. Her back was laid flat on the ground as her leg rests over his shoulder as he slightly hovers over her. why the fuck does this look sexual!!??

tengen pushes her leg in the direction of her head, until she felt the stretch in the back of her thigh. She tries to keep her hips down while avoiding any strain. He smirks down at her, magenta hues hooded as his rough and large hand tightens its grip on her calf, "of course it is~." He purrs at her, enjoying the intimate position he has her in, his crotch lightly brushing against hers, making her jolt in embarrassment.

(y/n)'s face was burning up. holy shii, he is packed down there!!

tanjiro tries to keep the bitterness at bay, but seeing the two made him angry. The other trainees were merely gawking at the sight. was it really professional?? heck, the former hashira wasn't even paying attention to them at all!! his eyes were solely trained on the female lying underneath him. where the fuck is his shame!!?? oh, right. It was tossed out the window the moment (y/n) came.

makio and hinatsuru sweat-drop at their husband's obvious advances towards their soon-to-be fourth wife. suma was flushed red, covering her face as one eye peeks out to watch in anticipation, "...watch him get slapped." the fiery woman says with a shake of her head.

(y/n) glares up at tengen, embarrassed by all the eyes focused on them, "d-don't joke with me! there's no way this is endurance training!!" she fumes, turning her head to the side to avoid his magenta eyes intensely staring down at her face.

tengen narrows his eyes, amused, "oh really~?" He pecks her exposed thigh as his wives smack their foreheads in exasperation...he's really asking for it!!

She gathers up all her inner strength and shoves him off her, uncaring as he topples over with his one hand. She huffs, getting up as she stomps away, "i think my training is complete old man!!" (y/n) ignores the warmth on her face as tanjiro hastily follows after to make sure she was alright.

.....dumb hashira....

. giyu has feeling for (y/n).
. haganezuka sends courtship letters to (y/n).
. karaku hates gyutaro.
. daki insults the clones all the time.
. tengen purposely wants to show who (y/n) belongs to.
. tanjiro wishes he was in tengen's position..
. makio wished (y/n) punched tengen.

a/n: enjoy!!

ℜ𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 (Demon Slayer Various x Reader) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt