-148-: the weekend away

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"Please, I'm terrible at taking pictures of myself," Ariana laughed and she smiled.

"Me too, don't worry. Okay, strike a pose." she smiled and Ariana pouted, holding her hat in one hand. "Here you go. It's a great picture by the way." She looked at seen that she really, really liked it.

"Thank you! You're a life saver!" She smiled and shook her head.

"No problem." and then she walked away.

Ariana looked at her texts and she had noticed that there was nothing from Harry. He obviously hadn't noticed that she was gone. Another set of tears blinded her eyes, but she couldn't cry. Not here, not in public. And she didn't want to see Harry right now. She understood that he missed the kids, but he's been treating Ariana like dirt since he got here. And she was only thinking of him when she booked it. Ariana had thought that it would have been a nice, romantic trip to Paris. But she was wrong. It was the opposite.

Ariana had walked back towards the Eiffel Tower and when she passed a cute little café, she had decided to go in for something to eat. It was 7pm and she was hungry. She has been walking for 3 hours now and her husband hadn't even noticed that she was gone. She had never felt so unwanted and humiliated.
He'd called, and texted but Ariana hadn't answered any. He was starting to get worried about her, the kids, everything. What if something were to happen to his mum? Alexandria doesn't even know how to use the phone to call anyone. That set another panic off of his mind and he had to call his mum to make sure that she was okay.

He was on the cusp of leaving, the only thing that was keeping him here was Ariana. If she wasn't here, he'd gone back to London. Not that he's been showing her any attention lately, and she knew that it wasn't who he was. His anxiety was playing up and it took over him. But he just couldn't treat Ariana like dirt. He had decided to sit out on the balcony for a while at the small two-chair deck table that Ariana had planned to have dinner at one night. But those plans fell through pretty soon after they got here. He got cold after a while, which made him worry about Ariana. Was she okay? Was she cold wherever she was?

He checked his phone and realized that he had a text.

Gemma: You've fucked up Harold. Big time.

And that's when he knew why she'd left. Ariana had left because he wasn't even paying any attention to her. Ariana had put all the effort into this trip and he didn't even put any effort into her. And suddenly he didn't blame her for leaving.

Harry: Fuck. Where is she? Tell me Gemma .x

Gemma texted him back a couple of minutes later.

Gemma: I'm not telling you. You think that I want to text my sister-in-law asking how her romantic weekend away is going and have her reply, 'It isn't, Harry's too worried about the kids to care about me or that I have booked this holiday for. It's okay Gem, I'll change the flights. We'll be home tomorrow'. So I had called her and she's in some mess. She thinks that you don't care about her and that you don't want to be there with her, your only concern right now is the kids. What about the woman that you stood at the alter with, Harry? The woman that MOTHERED your children? Mum raised you, you know that the kids are fine with her. You've fucked up and I'm not telling you where she is. Mum's pissed at you too. Fix this yourself.

The guilt flooded through him. He knew he had fucked up. He tried calling Ariana again, but it went straight to voicemail.
Ariana's phone rung for the third time tonight. Harry. She didn't answer it, she had already spoken to Gemma so she knew that she would have called or texted him. She had booked another room in the same hotel for the night, and Ariana had changed the flights for Monday to tomorrow.

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