-92-: Ariana goes to the hospital

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Ariana's POV

"Anne it's only been a week. I'm only 35 weeks into the pregnancy, she can't come now." I started to cry.

"It's gonna be alright Ariana. We'll call Harry and tell him to meet us at the hospital."


Call after call, Harry wouldn't pick up his phone.

It was around midnight when Anne and I got to the hospital. I was quickly given a bed and was examined to make sure that I was actually in labour. Once they confirmed that I was, they hooked me up to monitors to check my vitals and the twins vitals. It seemed like ever since entering the hospital, the contractions have gotten worse.

"Where's Harry?" I asked, Anne shrugging her shoulders as she came back into the room. "Give me my phone. I'm gonna try calling him since he won't answer you."

She handed me my phone as I pressed Harry's contact to call him. After a few calls of him not answering he finally answered.

"Hey love bug, is everything alright?"

"Harry, why the hell haven't you been answering your phone?" Another contraction started strong.

"Sorry babe. I had to silence my phone cause people were wanting me to make a speech, then a bunch of other people were making speeches and I didn't want to disturb anyone in the middle of theirs. Are you doing okay?"

"She's in labor Harry. Get down to the hospital now." Anne took the phone from my lap.

"Uhhhh... I. okay." Harry exhaled. "I'll be there. Just hang in tight. I'll be there soon."

"You better. She's progressing quickly." Anne said hanging up.

The doctor came into check me and was surprised to see that I was five centimetres dilated. It was a little past 12:45 and Harry still hadn't showed up. The contractions were getting closer together, while getting stronger as well. Anne had called Harry again after an hour of originally calling him.

"He's in traffic, he says he doesn't know how long he'll be." Anne came back into the room.

I nodded and tried to get my way through a contraction as best as I could. I reached to one of the railings and gripped it tightly, pushing through my teeth as the contraction got stronger.

A doctor had come in to check on me.

"Alright sweetheart, your seven centimetres right now. If you want the epidural now is the best time."

"I want my boyfriend here." I started to cry.

Anne got a phone call and pressed it up to her ear. She nodded and looked over to me. She continued to talk to that person on the other end.

The doctor was writing something down and talking me over what the birthing process might be like without an epidural and twins. Anne got closer and I could hear who she was talking too.

"Alright I'll put her in the phone." She reached the phone over to me and I put it up to me earlier as a contraction started to build.

"Hey baby girl, I'll be coming out of the traffic in five minutes. Hold on I'll be there soon."

"Okay." I whined, really needed Harry to be here.

"Are you okay?!" He had fear in his voice.

"Yeah just a contraction, I'll be fine just get here." I breathed out. "I want you to be here if I get the epidural."

"Alright baby, I'll try my best. Can you hang in there for a little while longer?"

"That depends on if Alexandria want to." I laughed a bit as it hurt. "Please just get here."

"Will do. I just got out of the traffic jam I'll be there in no time."

Harry hung up as I screamed out in pain from the amount of pain that I was in. It felt like a life time before I reached eight centimetres.

"Darling, if you want the epidural, this is the last possible moment to get it to make sure it takes effect." The doctor said sitting in a chair next to me.

"I want my boyfriend to be here for it."

"Unless he's here in the next thirty minutes, then I'm afraid that you'll have to go through the birthing process without any medication."

I exhaled and nodded. "Okay. I understand."

Some time had passed and Harry wasn't here.

The pain had spiked, making quite a few doctors come into the room since our little girl wasn't doing well with the contractions.

"Where's Harry, Anne? I can't do this anymore, I want him here." I started to cry.

"He should be here any moment."

At that exact moment a nurse came into the room with Harry. He sighed in relief and came over to me and kissed me in the lips.

"I'm so sorry that it took so long to get here baby girl. Where are you at in labor?"

"I'm at eight centimetres and I haven't gotten the epidural yet since I wanted to wait for you."

"Should I get the epidural down here now?" The nurse asked as I nodded.

A contraction came over me, making me grip the sheets and breath through it the best I could.

Harry made sure I was holding his hand and helping me breathe through it. The epidural came in and I was sat at the edge of the bed with Harry holding my hands.

"What I'm gonna have you do is hunch over so that your back is rounded and tuck your head into your chest." The doctor said.

I did what I was told and the doctor put the epidural in. I hated needles so the epidural was the hardest part so far. Once the medication settled in I began to fall asleep. Before falling asleep I heard Anne and Harry exchange a conversation.

"When should I propose? I mean I want it to be perfect."

"Do it sometime after your girls are born. You'll figure it out Harry. She'll love whatever you do. She loves you to pieces."

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