13:The Duel

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A/N;Happy May 4th everyone, at last a new chapter for this story. I apologize for not updating this sooner. I was planning to update this earlier this January, but uneventful things happened IRL. That and work got busier for me so I didn't get this updated till now. Fortunately I managed to get this last month. Just had to finish a few things on this. Hopefully this will keep you content. I'll tell you guys more after you reach the end. Right now enjoy the chapter.

While the world around them continues at its normal pace, every one of the guests of Remnant remained silent and still. For they have witnessed the Destruction of an entire Atlas battle group. They can only look in horror as they see the debris from the Atlas airships crash the shoreline or sink at the bottom of the sea. What they knew what weaponry they were capable of but to have this sort of power is certainly not what they have expected. And to see them take out their only strongest military in this planet, shows how much they can take this whole world in the matter of a month.

The question is why didn't they?

Just then they hear the doors opening as they turn around to see Raxus coming in, returning from recent battle. The guards, officers and his posse all stand at attention and saluted before him. He smiles as he walks in as he can see his guest looking at him shock.

"Sorry about that. That took longer than expected." He tells them as he takes his helmet off and puts it on the holotable.

He felt something coming towards him as he ignited his lightsaber as he managed to dodge the attack by Yang. Even though she doesn't have her gauntlets she still had her semblance.

"You monster!" Yang yells out and continues,
"How can you do that!"

"Hehehehe, temper temper. That anger of yours is always your Achilles heel."

"Why did you do that? You didn't have to go far with just an all out battle." Blake says.

"Hehe says the little kitten in the room who forgotten where she came from. Or have you forgotten that you were once part of your Faunus brethren that wished nothing more than take out those who discriminated your people for a long time. You should be thankful that Atlas had that coming." He tells her that.

"I don't..."

"Is that a little too extreme for your tastes...Blake Belladonna." He says, revealing her name.
"Daughter of Kali Belladonna and Ghira Belladonna. Former founder of the old White Fang."

Hearing her name out loud made froze in fear. Because her secret has been revealed in front of the Atlas military general. Many things she pictured started to flood in her mind. But she felt someone coming by her side as she looked to her right to see Weiss standing in front of her in defense.

"Hey! She was once but she learned her mistake and now has us. What gives you the right to call her out like that when you did the unthinkable here?" Weiss retorts to him.

"Hmmmm, let me think. Breaking the law by coming to the borders without my approval. Illegal action by the government of Atlas. And bringing an army, armed for war. Take your pick Ms. Schnee. After calling me hypothetical, how do you think your father got his company up in millions?" The blonde Sith Lord explains.

She was about say more but decided to keep her mouth shut. As much as she hates it He is right. Her father had done a lot illegal and fishy activities in order to make the business more profitable. They were no different.

"Ok. Now you gone too far Jaune." Yang said this time, getting ready for a fight.
"Nobody messes with my friends, especially you."

When she called out his former made Darth Raxus's look turn sour.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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