1. Brothers and Sisters Don't Always Fight

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Hi, my name is Scarlett Way. I live in the wonderful (but kinda dangerous) state of New Jersey with my two brothers, Gerard and Mikey. We are really close. Gerard is 22, and Mikey is 18. I, however, am 16. My brothers take really good care of me because I'm the youngest and I'm their only sister. But sometimes, they take waaaay too good care of me. Like, for example, at last year's homecoming dance, my boyfriend Andy came to pick me up and Gerard grabbed him by the bow tie and said, "You hurt my sister and I will hurt you in so many ways you don't even understand," I was so embarrassed. But I love him and my brother Mikey. Mikey is a little quieter, but he still has no problem beating the shit out of anyone who looks at me. Right now, I just got up. Even though it's like 12:00. But whatever, it's Saturday.
"Why up so late?" Mikey asked me as I walked down the hall.
"I didn't get home until midnight last night," I said.
"What were you doing out at midnight?" Gerard asked whilst reading a comic book on the couch.
"I was out with Andy. We went to the movies,"
"Are we still gonna go to the mall?" Gerard asked Mikey.
"Yeah. I need a new bass from the music store," Mikey said.
"Ooh can I come?" I asked.
"Sure. I'm gonna go do my eyeliner. You coming?" Gerard asked me.
"Yeah," Me and Gerard have a thing we do where we do our eyeliner together. Of course, I wear mascara and eyeshadow too, but that's not really Gerard's thing. I went to the bathroom and pulled the sticks of black eyeliner out and placed them on the counter. Gerard came in and immediately picked up a stick.
"Someone's excited to put on eyeliner," I said.
"My favorite part of the day, with my favorite sibling," Gerard said.
"Hey!" Mikey yelled.
"Oh shut up Mikey I was kidding, hey don't go crazy with the makeup. I don't want boys looking at you," Gerard said while smudging his eyeliner.
"Oh, whatever," I said. When my eyeliner was finished I put on a little mascara, but no eyeshadow so I didn't completely piss Gerard off. Then I went into my bedroom and put on a muscle tee and some jeans. I threw on my black converse and grabbed some money from the dresser.
"Are you ready yet Scarlett?" Mikey asked.
"I'm coming!" I shouted. I made my way into the kitchen and followed my two brothers out the door. Mikey drove, I called shotgun, which left Gerard in the back seat.
"Why do you always get shotgun?" Gerard asked.
"I call it first every time," I teased while Mikey pulled out of the driveway. The mall was only like five minutes from our house, so with Mikey driving at 50 miles an hour, we were there in an instant. When we got inside, we headed straight to the music store.
"I know exactly which one I want. It's blue," Mikey said.
"There's a lot of blue basses," I said.
"No it's that one in the case," he pointed to it.
"Mikey it's $700, where are you going to get that money?" Gerard asked.
"700? It said $400 online,"
"Yeah if you buy it online," I said.
"Well fuck," Mikey said, walking out of the store.
"It's ok, just save up some money," I said.
"I quit my job," Mikey said, getting in the car.
"So did I so we could join MCR," Gerard said buckling his seatbelt.
"Well I'm still working. I could save up the money for you," I suggested. I wasn't crazy about the idea, but Mikey is my brother, and he deserves a new bass.
"That's really sweet Scarlett, but you don't have to," Mikey said whilst driving.
"But I want to," I said.
"Okay I love you a lot but I love you even more right now," Mikey said, turning down the street to our house.
"Love you too," I said.

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