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"Bitch, leave my hands and stop that crazy boss of yours!" Anna's voice echoed with desperation and fury as she pleaded with Kevin, her eyes blazing with defiance. But Kevin remained unmoved, his grip tightening around her wrist like a vise, crushing her hopes of escape.

"Just shut the fuck up and stay still," he retorted, his voice dripping with contempt as he glared at her with unrelenting intensity.

"I just want to kill you already... ugh, leave me!" Anna's frustration boiled over, her words laced with a mixture of anger and despair as she struggled against Kevin's iron grip. But he simply let out an indifferent sigh, his indifference only fueling her sense of helplessness in the face of his relentless control.

On the other hand, Jungkook's sinister laughter reverberated through the hall after forcefully sliding the ring onto Yn's finger, leaving her in shocked disbelief. His taunting words cut through the air like a blade, mocking her with the cruel reality of their situation.

"Congratulations, we are married now," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice as he took sadistic pleasure in her stunned reaction.

"Aren't you feeling happy to get such a caring husband like me, sweetheart?"

As soon as his words sunk in, Kevin's eyes widened in disbelief, his grip around Anna's wrist loosening in shock. Sensing an opportunity, Anna seized the moment, pushing Kevin away with all her strength before breaking into a desperate sprint towards Yn and Jungkook. The intensity of the moment hung thick in the air, charged with a mixture of fear, defiance, and the bitter taste of betrayal.

Her eyes, ablaze with anger mere moments ago, now shimmered with tears as she stared at the ring adorning her finger. It was a stark reminder of the void left by the one who was meant to fill it-a void now filled by the man responsible for her loved one's death.

The weight of the ring felt like a heavy shackle, chaining her to a fate she never imagined. Destiny had played a cruel trick, snatching away the one she cherished and replacing him with the very person who shattered her world.

Each glint of the ring mirrored the ache in her heart, a silent testament to the shattered dreams and unfulfilled promises that now lay buried in the past. The tears that welled in her eyes threatened to overflow, a silent lament for the love she lost and the pain she endured.

In that moment, the church hall echoed not with the sounds of prayers, but with the silent cries of a soul torn apart by fate's cruel hand. And amidst the hallowed silence, Yn stood, her heart heavy with grief and her spirit weighed down by the burden of a destiny she never chose.

In the suffocating grip of helplessness, Yn's tears remained imprisoned within the confines of her eyes, unable to escape the chains that bound her hands. Every fiber of her being screamed for release, for the freedom to wipe away the evidence of her pain. But she was trapped, caught in a cruel dance of fate where even the simplest act of wiping away her tears was denied to her.

In the midst of her turmoil, Yn fought to rein in the torrent of emotions threatening to overwhelm her. She refused to succumb to the vulnerability of her tears, refusing to grant Jungkook the satisfaction of seeing her broken and defeated. With a will of steel, she suppressed her tears, masking her pain behind a facade of strength.

Her gaze met Jungkook's, piercing through the veil of his emotionless facade to glimpse the flicker of triumph in his eyes. It was a victory tainted with cruelty, a satisfaction born from the knowledge of her helplessness. Yet even as he stood before her, a smug smirk playing on his lips, Yn refused to let him see her falter.

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