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Author's POV~

In the dimly lit cabin, the only source of illumination is the soft glow emanating from the computer screen, casting a pale light on the man's face. Papers are scattered across the desk, some pinned down by a half-empty mug of coffee long gone cold.

The man sits hunched over his work, fingers dancing across the keyboard, his brow furrowed in concentration. Outside, the world is asleep, enveloped in the stillness of the night, while inside the cabin, time seems to stand still as the man loses himself in his tasks, oblivious to the late hour ticking away on the clock.

" head will explode like a volcano" he said as rubs his temples in frustration, feeling the pressure building up in his head like a volcano ready to erupt.

"Guess a cup of coffee will work," he mutters to himself, glancing over at the neglected mug sitting on the desk, its contents now ice-cold. With a sigh, he reaches for his phone and dials his secretary's number, the screen casting a faint blue light on his face in the otherwise dark room.

As he waits for the call to connect, he leans back in his chair, closing his eyes momentarily to ease the tension in his head, hoping for a swift response to his plea for a fresh cup of coffee.

Jungkook, breathes a sigh of relief as his secretary answers the call promptly. "Bring a coffee to my cabin" he said, his voice betraying a hint of exhaustion. With a gentle click, he hangs up the phone and leans back in his chair, his eyes momentarily closing as he awaits the much-needed caffeine boost. Outside the closed door of his office, the faint sound of footsteps signals the secretary's departure.

Kevin enters the CEO's cabin with a steaming cup of coffee in hand, the aroma of freshly brewed beans filling the air as he approaches Jungkook's desk.

"Here is your coffee, sir," he says respectfully, placing the cup on the table within the CEO's reach. Jungkook acknowledges him with a nod, his attention momentarily diverted from his work as he focuses on the comforting presence of the hot beverage before him.

"Hmm," he hums in approval, lifting the cup to his lips and taking a satisfying sip, the warmth of the liquid spreading through him, momentarily easing the fatigue of the long night ahead. Kevin stands by attentively, ready to assist further if needed, as Jungkook resumes his work.

Kevin's POV~

Not even a thank you !? Aishh this man knows how to get on someone's nerves, yahh Jeon jungkook i stick with you 24/7 while betraying my girlfriend, ohh well I don't have a girlfriend but still I do this much for you , staying till 1 am in the office with you and you don't even care to say a thank you to me , that's it I am done with this man .

Author's POV~

As Kevin stands by, his inner thoughts echo loudly in his mind, momentarily drowning out the ambient sounds of the CEO's cabin. Lost in contemplation, he fails to register Jungkook's attempts to get his attention until a minute has passed.

"Kevin....Kevin!!! To the earth!?"jungkook said as Suddenly, kevin snaps out of his reverie, realizing that he missed Jungkook's call.

With a slight flush of embarrassment, he quickly refocuses his attention on jungkook .

"Hehe did you say something....sir!?"kevin said while massaging the back of his neck.

"I see you are zoning out too much these days !? What's the matter" jungkook said before placing the coffee mug on table as his eyes again focused on the laptop screen.

" ? No I am not zoning out , i think you are tired that's why you are thinking this sir" Kevin said while hiding his embarassed face " I think you are tired sir should go home, it's pretty late" he said trying to hold his yawning as he was feeling pretty tired and his eye lids are closing.

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