Intermission - Suzune Gets Isekai'd

Start from the beginning


Please, let me sleep!



"Ayanokouji Kiyotaka-kun! Wake up!"

The relentless sun bore down, its rays more intolerable than usual. A refreshing breeze brushed against my skin, a sensation that felt out of place. I felt soft grass under me, and it seemed like someone was slapping my cheeks to jolt me awake.

The symphony of rustling leaves, swaying grass, and creaking trees played a surprisingly pleasant melody. Birds contributed to the natural chorus, with the distinct cooing of a dove echoing through the air.


Hold on...

My eyes snapped open as I sat up abruptly, nearly colliding with the person looming over me.

"Horikita? What's happening?" I asked, rubbing my eyes. It struck me as odd that she was in her pyjamas, while I was the odd one out for sleeping in my uniform.

She shook her head. "I'm not sure. I woke up suddenly, and—just look around us, Ayanokouji-kun."

"What...?" I muttered, scanning the surroundings. "There are..."


An unusual setting... Walls...

Before us stood towering walls, approximately 45 to 50 meters tall, a few hundred meters away. If this were a fever dream, I'd dismiss the strange structures, peculiar people, and unfamiliar landscapes, but...

This felt too real to be merely a dream. Typically, I'd consider it a form of lucid dreaming, but after multiple attempts to wake myself up by tapping and pinching, I remained in this unfamiliar reality.

I then tried pinching Horikita, only to have my hand swatted away. She glared at me. "What are you doing?"

"Just checking if you're real, Horikita. Do you have any idea where we are?"

She shook her head. "No clue. Some children approached me when I woke up. I tried conversing, but only the girl could give me limited information. They spoke German, and the girl used old Japanese phrases. I caught words like 'Shiganshina' and a few others."

My classmate recounted the encounter.

"What else did you learn from them?"

Horikita proceeded to share what she gleaned from the three children: Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, and Mikasa Ackerman. They mentioned being within a place called The Walls, and Armin seemed to find Horikita attractive for some reason.

I didn't need to know that detail.

"Where are they now?"

"They've gone off to play. I told them we were resting under the tree. I'm not sure if Mikasa-san fully understood."

I made a mental note to teach Horikita German.

"Horikita," I started, formulating a plan. "Where did they say they were going?"

"Why? Do you plan on speaking to them? Do you even speak—"

"I speak German, Horikita. We can't waste any time," I said, racing to understand this bizarre situation. While I could handle it alone, I needed to consider Horikita, who seemed uneasy about our circumstances.

Her eyes widened. "Are you—"

"In a situation like this, I can't afford to hold back in some areas. Just follow my lead, and we'll manage."

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