-130-: Wedding ceremony and speeches

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Edward & Joan, thank you not only for your hospitality this evening and your kindness, but for also giving me your very beautiful daughter. I promise I'll take good care of her and of course do everything she tells me to! We have a present here for Joan, we'd like to say thank-you for everything you've done for us this past month. I also want to say thank you to my parents and stepdad who put up with me for all these years, you have both been there for me when I've needed you and given me a wonderful start in life and I'm very fortunate and proud to have you as my mum and dad. We've a present for you here Mum, as a thank you also.

I can imagine that Louis, my best man is getting impatient to make his speech soon. Now many people don't know that he suffers from a rare medical condition which causes him to invent fanciful stories. He really does believe these stories to be true and I thank you for humouring him during his speech.

I am absolutely delighted to be able stand here today with Ariana, I never knew what was missing in my life before I met her. She has been a source of friendship, support and love.

And finally, the bridesmaids, thanks for calming Ariana's nerves and helping in her preparation today. I'd also like thank you for getting her to the church in one piece and on time, you've done a brilliant job. We have a small gift for each of you as a token of our appreciation.

I would like to bring my speech towards a close by saying a very special thank-you to Cheryl, Gemma, Eleanor and Perrie, our lovely bridesmaids. I am sure you will all agree on how beautiful they look and I will always treasure the picture in my mind of you all entering the room with Ariana and walking down the aisle. Both Ariana & I would like you to know that your earrings and necklaces are a token of our appreciation for everything you have done today.

On that note, I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaids so would you all be upstanding...and raise your glasses and join us as we toast...to the bridesmaids!"

Harry then handed the microphone over to Louis and Harry cringed immediately.

"Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.

Before I begin I just want to say, I asked Harry before I started writing if there was anything I should not say, and he said no. So Ariana, this is really his fault. I'd like to start by pointing out that Ariana looks radiant today—every bit the beautiful bride. As for Harry... well, my mother always said if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all, right?. He tries hard. That's Harry..trying..hard..And his personality...his personality it's great too. It makes up for everything thats going on up there, in the face area..

Alright, alright let me introduce myself. My name is Louis, and I met Harry and when he was 16 and she was 17 when we were on X-Factor.. I am his most handsome, most personable, most... okay, okay I'm their friend. And I am honored to be here tonight to sing Harry and Ariana's praises. When he smiles, its as if he's thinking back on his many accomplishments. To talk of accomplishments... Harry has had many, same with Ariana. From being part of the biggest band to volunteering across the world in Africa helping to build homes and create better infrastructure for rural communities.

Though Harry is not just an all-star he's an invaluable friend. He's the kind of friend who asks you how your day is, and really wants to know. He's the kind of friend that pushes you to be a better person. Harry is the kind of friend that answers the phone when you're having one of the lowest moments of your life, and he offers to call you a cab to drive you back to his spot at 3 in the morning, no questions asked. Thank you, man.. As I said, Harry is a man of many accomplishments and he is an amazing friend, and so is Ariana.

Today, definitely speaks to both this qualities. Today counts as one of Harry and Ariana's biggest accomplishments to date—committing to a woman like Ariana— as well as committing to devoting all of the friendship and love that he has within him to another person, his wife and best friend.

You have always inspired me to be a better person, Harry. Today you lead the way; becoming a man and starting a family. This is too beautiful to be missed. I might just have to move in to your new apartment to keep a close watch.. In all seriousness. I wish these two a lifetime of happiness, the kind of deep growth that comes from loving another being not yourself, a life of love and continued imagination. It will be an honor for all of us to witness your journey together.

Lets toast! To this beautiful couple!

Harry, Ariana, Congratulations, Now I'm going to pass you onto Cheryl, the maid of honor." everyone clapped and Harry stood up giving Louis a man hug before coming to sit back down beside Ariana.

"Hi.  For those of you who don't know me, my name is Cheryl.  I am the maid of honor and best friend of the bride.  I want to start off by saying that every once in a while... two people meet, and you know it's meant to be.  You know instantly that the stars have aligned, and their paths would bring them together regardless what the world may throw their way.  This was clearly the case over 10 years ago, when Ariana and I first met.

Looking back over the years, and remembering when I first met her, it truly amazes me that something that seems so minor, such as a simple invitation to come over and help me with my math homework could turn into something I cherish so much.

Ariana and I may not have been childhood friends; we never played dress up or imagined what our weddings would be like as little girls and we never braided each other's hair... We don't have any memories to speak of before the age of 15, but none of that matters because I feel like I have known you my whole life.  We know more about each other than we probably care to, and that's because we can share anything without passing too much judgment. We have laughed together, we have cried together... We have inside jokes that only we find funny.  Personally, I think we're hysterical... but that's why we are friends... because I don't think anybody else does.

I want you to know that I wrote a speech for today about 50 times over.  I couldn't think of anything perfect enough to describe just how much I love you.  There are no words big enough, to define the kind of friend you are to me, and I certainly had no idea how to summarize everything I wanted to say to make it all fit on to one page... but I will say this...

You are the best friend a girl could ever ask for. You have always been there for me, and I will ALWAYS be there for you. I know god crossed our paths for a reason, and I will forever be grateful.   I don't know where I would be without my best friend, but I do know that standing here today... on your wedding day ... is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

Harry, I will spare everyone the details on the night you and Ariana first met, mainly because I wasn't there, Liam and I set them up but I clearly remember the moment you asked me who my cute friend was after seeing her at a party. I remember thinking how perfect you two would be together and I was right. (as always) you two complete each other.  Not only do you love each other, but you care about other people.  You are two very little people with very big hearts... and I love that about you both.  As her husband, I understand that YOU are her very best friend, and I am willing to pass that torch because I know you make her happy, and I know that she loves you more than words can describe... and I also know that I will never have to worry about you taking my place as her running partner.

If everyone can raise a glass now and join me in congratulating the very beautiful bride and handsome groom on the day we have all been waiting soooo long for!  Cheers!"

Ariana stood up and instantly pulled Cheryl into a tight hug whispering how much she loved her and appreciated her.

When Ariana sat down the music started playing again, quieter and dinner was starting to being served. Today was perfect.

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