You're somebody else

Start from the beginning

The scent of lavender mixed with heartbreak. You stayed quiet as you stared at your boyfriend. A blank look fell over your face despite the tears in your eyes. "You're home," you muttered.

"What's wrong?" He asked with his eyebrows pinched together. You looked rough with dark bags beneath your eyes. He took another step closer until you lifted up a foam filled hand to stop him.

"Just don't," you got out, "please leave me alone."

"Why are you crying?"

"Don't come in here and act like you don't know why."

"But I don't know w-"

"Don't make me pull up the photos of you snogging another person. You've always been the kind of person who owns up to their faults. Can't you, at least, admit you cheated on me?"

And with those words, he couldn't breathe. Your gravity cut out and he was free falling through space. Down, down, down. Further and further lost in a vacuum without any oxygen.

"I-I can explain that. I was drunk and I-"

"I don't want an excuse."

He went quiet instantly as your eyes met his. That twinkling that you once had, the light, the sparkle, the joy, all the scintillation was gone. All he was left with was an icy gaze.

It was the one thing about you that he adored. The way you had created steel walls for every boundary you had. You set those boundaries in stone and refused to bend them for anyone. It was something not many people had. With them, you were an unstoppable force.

Your fingers paled around your glass of wine. "If you didn't want to be with me, you could have told me. You didn't have to tell me through a Dispatch article. What did I do to deserve that?"

"Nothing," he whispered, "you didn't deserve that at all."

"Are you tired of me? Is there something I'm doing that you don't like? Have you fallen in love with someone else?" You kept your voice steady despite the ache in your heart. "I deserve an explanation."

"What?" His face fell. "No! No! No! Of course, there's nobody else. I was drunk and I was stupid."

"Seriously? That's the excuse you're going with?"


"What was it really? Do you know them? Do you love them? I can handle it if you do I-"

"No! I don't even know who that person is, I swear!" You were ripping his heart in half with that look of yours. "I was really lonely in Japan and I missed you a lot."

"So that makes it valid for you to snog a stranger?"

"No! I-I-" He sucked in a sharp breath, "there is no excuse. I hurt you in a way that was awful. No matter how much I apologize for it, it's unforgivable."

"You're right, so please get out. I'm going to finish this glass of wine and relax. I'm going to bed after that and packing my things starting tomorrow morning."

"You can't be serious, please don't." Panic began to flood him. "Please, I'll do anything. I'm so sorry, but please don't leave. Please, I need you."

"You should have thought about that before you snogged a stranger. You know what the worst part is? I would have forgiven you if you admitted it the next day. That article came out four days ago! You've had, at least, four days to admit you fucked up."

He stayed quiet because he didn't have a rebuttal. Part of him was hoping you wouldn't have seen the article. Maybe you would have believed it was fake or maybe you would have pretended like it never happened, but you were you.

You were stitched together with unwavering strength and self-confidence. You refused to take shit from people and that included your own boyfriend. You knew what you were worth and you knew how you deserved to be treated.

A lump began to obstruct his throat again. If looks could kill, he'd be six feet under. There was no warmth in that look of yours. The familiar light was gone and replaced with dejection.

"Please, I can fix this."

"You broke my trust and if you think you're going to be able to patch it with a band-aid of 'I'm sorry' then you have another thing coming. How am I ever supposed to believe you won't do it again? What about the next tour you have or the next vacation? It'll always be in the back of my mind."

"Please," he collapsed to his knees. His fingers reached out to you open and outstretched, but you shrank back into the bubbles. He was hoping you'd allow him to touch you.

Your eyes narrowed at him and your words came out venomous. "Don't fucking touch me, you cheater." The words were low and you knew it. Hurt filled his eyes instantly, but you didn't regret what you said.

"What am I supposed to do without you? I can't lose you. Give me one more chance to fix it."

"I told you, back at the beginning of this relationship, that if you cheated on me, I'd be done. I told you it was the lowest thing a romantic partner could do to their significant other. It was inexcusable and unforgivable."

"I was drunk."

"And they say drunk actions are sober thoughts. I don't know who you are anymore. We can't have a relationship without trust. Nothing you say will make me change my mind. You fucked up and besides a new cheating scandal, this is the consequences of your actions."

He slouched back on his knees defeated. You shifted back in the bubbles and tipped the wine glass to your lips once more. Waves of lavender embraced him again. The only noise was the sound of your sad music.

Lavender and heartbreak, invigoration and longing, tranquility and turmoil; something the two of you would never forget.

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