Chapter 11

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                  ☆Closer together

Few days later

After college

"Ishan, guess what?" Bani told as they walked towards their building. "I saw a really nice bike in the parking lot today".

"That red and black color one?" Asked Ishan talking about the bike bani said about.

"Yeah" she replied.

"Yeah, that's Arjun's bike".

Bani's eyes lit up. "Really? That's awesome! Where's Arjun now?" she asked eagerly.

Ishan nodded towards the exit. "He's actually heading home now. I think he's about to leave."

Without hesitation, Bani turned on her heels and rushed towards the parking lot. She was excited at the prospect of seeing Arjun and his bike up close.

As Arjun was about to start his bike, he heard Bani's voice calling out to him. He looked around, puzzled, and then spotted her running towards him. "Arjun, wait!" she shouted, waving her hands to get his attention. Arjun stopped his bike and waited for her to catch up.

"What's going on, Chaturvedi?" Arjun asked, concerned.

Bani reached him, slightly out of breath. "Is this your bike?".

"Yeah it's my new bike"

"I really love this bike, do you mind if I give it a try and go for a ride, arjun".

Arjun chuckled, "I'm not sure if you're ready for the thrill of riding this beast."

Bani raised an eyebrow, "Oh, come on! I've ridden bikes before. I promise I'll be careful."

Arjun hesitated for a moment, then handed her the helmet. "Alright, but just a short ride around the parking lot, okay?"

Bani grinned, putting on the helmet. "Deal! This is going to be so much fun!"

"I will sit behind so that you feel safe" Arjun said.

As Arjun sat behind Bani on the bike they began to move slowly through the parking lot, the cool breeze against their faces.

However, as Bani picked up a bit more speed, she suddenly lost her grip on the handlebars, causing the bike to wobble "oh my god, why is this bike moving without my control".

"You... said... you can drive" said Arjun by shouting because of the speed bani is driving.

"Arjun..... I am scared"

Then Arjun bent forward and stopped the bike himself, asked "you ok Bani?".

Bani nodded, still a bit shaken. "I'm fine. Just a little scared and I'm really sorry for shouting at you like that. I just got scared," Bani said, looking apologetic.

Arjun waved it off with a smile. "It's okay, Bani. We all get scared sometimes. The important thing is that we're both okay."

After a few minutes, they decided to head back. Arjun got back on the bike,  "Okay, Bani. Let's try this again. Just concentrate on the road, and I'll give you instructions. Follow them properly, okay?"

Bani nodded, determined to do better this time. Arjun gave her clear instructions, guiding her as she slowly started the bike and began to move. With Arjun's guidance, Bani felt more confident, following his instructions carefully.

While they are half way through the place they started, suddenly bani felt scared again "Arjun.... I feel like I might lose control again".

Then Arjun laid his hands on her waist and touched on the right side of waist to indicate her to go right side and then touched on left side of her waist to indicate her to go on left.

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