Chapter 6

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      ☆The real world and the prince☆

As he made his way towards the door, Vansh appeared, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Hey, buddy," Vansh said, wrapping Utkarsh in a tight hug. "I'm going to miss you, man."

Utkarsh smiled warmly, returning the embrace. "I'll miss you too, Vansh," he replied, feeling touched by his friend's sentiment. "But don't worry, I'll be back before you know it."

Vansh gave his phone number saying "here this is my phone number and do call me or text me if you need anything. I will call you or text you secretly".

And they bid good byes to each other and Utkarsh started his journey to normal world.


It's been around five days since Utkarsh visited India. He is really enjoying his time alone travelling to all the popular places.

From the bustling streets of Delhi to the serene backwaters of Kerala, Utkarsh traversed the length and breadth of the country, soaking in the kaleidoscope of experiences each city had to offer.

Renting a bike in Goa, he felt the wind tousle his hair as he cruised along the coastal roads and the salty breeze. Switching gears, he opted for a car in Rajasthan, where he marveled at the grandeur of ancient forts and palaces.

But it wasn't just the sights that captivated Utkarsh; it was the people he met along the way.

From chai stalls to dance clubs, he really had some good connections with strangers.

He got a bike and car of his own so that he can travel where ever he wants to go.


Utkarsh is currently in Mumbai, enjoying view at marine drive, alone night rides, food, music and all.

While enjoying in Mumbai he is planning next place to visit.

One fine evening he came to a cafeteria and ordered coffee. He sat in a cafeteria which have a good view of sea and a view of beautiful sunset.

While he was having coffee he heard giggling voices behind him. But he didn't care about them and continued having his coffee.

Even after few mintues he can still hear noises behind him, that a girl is laughing continuously. He then turned back and saw a girl in cream color Kurthi with beautiful jhumkas and her tied up bun with a pencil.

She is laughing non stop with hands lying on her tummy and trying to control her laugh. She is hitting her friend to stop cracking jokes.

Utkarsh saw her and there was spark in his eyes, watching her laugh even made him smile without any reason.

Basically she is sitting behind him and he is watching her by turning his whole body backward. So he got up from there and sat in the chair which is opposite to him so that he can watch her without turning and he can see her clearly.

Still she kept on laughing telling her friend "stop cracking jokes, I can't even breathe properly with all the laughter".

Utkarsh kept on starring at her by sipping his coffee. His coffee is over and he kept on ordering coffee until they are in the cafe.

After an hour the girl and her friends started to leave. One of her friend said that she will pay the bill and meet them at the parking lot.

The girl who Utkarsh is starring at, forgot her dupatta on the chair she sat and she is walking outside of the cafe with out noticing her dupatta. Utkarsh got up to go near the chair and pick the dupatta to give that girl.

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