Chapter 4

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             ☆Prince and his tactics

Utkarsh is in the garden practicing his sword skills as the sunlight glinted off his blade. He wore a transparent white shirt where his six pack body is cleraly visible with sweat drops.

Nearby there were a group of girls who were completely lost in watching Utkarsh and his handsomeness.

One of them remarked, "Have you ever seen someone so skilled and handsome?"

Another added, "Those six packs are like a work of art. I wish I could touch him."

They giggled, keeping a watchful eye on the Utkarsh's every move, enthralled by the combination of strength and grace.

As the girls continued to admire Utkarsh's swordplay, one of them dreamily said, "I swear, I would marry him in a heartbeat. Imagine being a princess and waking up next to him".

Her friend teased, "You're not the only one thinking that. Look at him - he's like a living fairy tale".

Since last few mintues the bunch of girls kept on talking with each other that how much they are attracted towards Utkarsh.

After some time queen Aishwarya came observing Utkarsh's dedicated swordplay, she approached with an energy drink, saying, "You've been working so hard, Utkarsh. This will help you keep your energy up."

As she handed him the drink, she noticed the group of girls admiring him. Then the queen went inside and returned with a sweatshirt, advising, "It's getting chilly. Wear this, my dear. You don't want to catch a cold."

The girls exchanged glances as the prince complied, covering his six packs. The queen, with a stern gaze, told them, "Ladies, my son is here to train, not to be stared at. Show some respect." The girls, slightly embarrassed. The Queen continued "now go and don't stare at my son".

Listening to queen shouting Vansh came there and asked "What's wrong Aishwarya why are you shouting".

"A bunch of girls were starring at my son and talking about his body" the queen replied.

Vansh then took a step forward and said to that bunch of girls "hey girls, how dare you stare my best friend when I am here. Do you think he is more handsome then me".

Listening to this queen Aishwarya hit on Utkarsh head saying "you shut up".

Later both Vansh and Utkarsh were walking in palace corridors while Vansh is busy thinking about something.

As they were walking Vansh accidently got hit by a pillar infront of him. Utakrsh couldn't control his laughter said "I will give you a thousand dollars, will you please stop getting hurt everyday".

Vansh rubbed his head where he got hit by the pillar said "I will try my friend but I need your help right now".

Vansh continued "you know that I and Antara are getting into a serious phase in our relationship right? Now we need a time of our own where we don't have the difference based on the kingdoms, I wish I can take Antara outside with me whenever I go out next".

"Don't you think that will be a huge risk Vansh, I mean everytime you go on your own, but now you are talking about Antara, if anybody gets to know about it, it will be a huge problem" Said Utkarsh.

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