Chapter 21

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   ☆Finding love & limited freedom☆

The next morning, Vikram was working out while Bani was still asleep. Vikram called out, "Roger!"

Roger approached and stood near Vikram. "Go wake Bani up and give her breakfast," Vikram instructed.

"Sure," Roger replied, taking the breakfast plate and heading to Bani's room.

As he walked, Roger thought to himself, "This is my chance to help Bani get out of here. If I miss this opportunity, that bastard Vikram is going to ruin her life."

Roger knocked on Bani's door and entered her room. He gently shook her awake. "Bani, wake up. I've brought you breakfast."

Bani slowly opened her eyes, looking confused. "Roger? What are you doing here?" she asked, sitting up in bed.

"I need to talk to you," Roger said urgently, setting the breakfast plate aside. "We don't have much time. You need to get out of here."

"Now?" Bani asked, alarmed.

"Vikram is working out in the other room he won't be out of that room for next half an hour, we have use that time to escape" Roger said.

Bani looked at him, trying to process what he was saying. "But how? Where would I go?"

"I'll help you," Roger assured her. "But we need to move quickly, before Vikram realizes what's happening."

Bani hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Okay. I trust you. Let's get out of here."

Roger slowly opened the door and whispered, "Be quiet. Don't make any sounds. Hold your shoes in your hand so they won't make noise while we're walking."

Bani quickly took off her shoes and held them in her hand.

Roger extended his hand to her and said, "Take my hand. I'm going to get you out of here."

Bani nodded, a small hopeful smile forming on her face. She reached out and took Roger's hand.

"Stay close to me and follow my lead," Roger instructed quietly.

Together, they carefully and silently made their way out of the room, hoping not to alert Vikram.

To get out of the room, they had to cross the room where Vikram was working out. Roger whispered to Bani, "Vikram is in that room. We need to distract him to get through."

Bani looked worried. "But how are we going to distract him?"

Roger thought for a moment. "I have to go in and talk to him."

Bani grabbed his arm. "What? No, you can't do that. It's too risky."

Roger looked at her reassuringly. "Believe me, Bani. Just wait for me."

Bani hesitated, then nodded. "Okay. Be careful."

Roger gave her a reassuring nod before quietly stepping into the room where Vikram was working out, ready to create a diversion. He stepped into the room where Vikram was working out. "Vikram, I gave her breakfast. She ate and fell asleep again," he said.

Vikram looked up, surprised. "Fell asleep again?"

Roger feared but summoned his courage. "Yes, she fell asleep."

Vikram shrugged. "Might be because of the drug I gave her last night."

Roger's eyes widened. "You gave her a drug last night?"

Vikram smirked. "She's my girlfriend. I can do anything with her."

Roger clenched his fists but kept his composure. "Fine. I'm going to my room," he said, starting to leave the room. As he did, he signaled to Bani to cross the room quickly.

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