Chapter 5: I must protect her!

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It's been about one week since I've last went out to see Ms. Noshimaru. I don't know if I should see her yet or if I should wait longer, but I want to know how she is doing. I do miss her, in some way I am drawn to her. Maybe it has to do with my powers? Ugh I hate thinking, "Taoki!? Come down it is time to go!" Oh right me and Tobira have practice today, should I go? "Coming!" I replied. I went with him, I figured it would be better than sitting here doing nothing. We got to the back and I put up my hair to get ready. "Alright Taoki, are you ready?" Tobira said. I nodded to him looking determined. But to be honest I just couldn't stop thinking about Ms Noshimaru. "Taoki put out your hand and try to use your powers on this flower right here." Tobira demanded. "Okay." I said, I turned and put my hand out at the Phela flower In front of me. I stood and shut my eyes, I tried focusing my energy to my hand but it was hard with Ms Noshimaru on my mind. Soon enough I felt a little bit of power come out and a small sphere floated above my hand. It was green with a hint of white. It floated towards the Phera flower and landed on it, when it landed the Phera flower shot up and grew very tall. If I can do that with such a small amount, I wonder..what I can do using all my power? "Nice Taoki, it seems you still have a lot of work to do but you're doing good." Tobira said smiling. I sat down feeling exhausted, Tobira sat next to me. "Hey, are you feeling okay? You've been staying in a lot." Tobira asked. I looked away and then looked back at him, "I'm...fine" I said hesitantly. "Is this about the woman I asked to meet?" He asked. Why'd he ask that all of a sudden? Is he still curious about her? What do I say!? "U-uhm no." I said with no confidence, I'm sure he doesn't believe me. "Look it's alright to tell me about it, I won't do anything to put her or you in danger. I don't know who she is but I can tell you care about her." Wow I've never heard Tobira sound so caring before. Maybe I will open up about her...
"Tobira y-you can meet her, but promise you won't freak out." I said, "what? Why would I?" He replied. "Just promise!" I exclaimed. He nodded quickly. I took his hand and walked him to the forest I usually meet Ms Noshimaru in. "I don't know if she will be here and stay quiet." I said. "I-okay sis." He replied confused. >russling< "wait, did you hear that?" I said. "Over here Tobira." We ducked down into the bush's and peered out. There she was..crawling? Uhhhh thats new, and she does look a bit smaller. "What the heck?" Tobira whispered. "U-uhm brother don't freak out ok?" I replied. I got up and Ms Noshimaru looked up at me quickly. She got up and stared at me for a minute, now that she is standing I can see just how tall she really is. I've forgotten how it feels to be in her presence, oh right TOBIRA! I turned around quickly only to see Tobira stunned in place with no words. He was sitting there speechless. Suddenly he got up and raised his hand to her. "A-are you a dark elf!?" He demanded. "B-brother please hear me out!" I exclaimed. "S-she is cursed and can't think properly she won't reply to you! She's innocent, don't hurt her!" He didn't listen to me, he knew that the dark elves were an evil species back then but I know Ms Noshimaru is not evil! I jumped infront of her as she looked like she didn't know what was happening. "Ms Noshimaru run please!" I exclaimed, she tilted her head looking down at me. "Ugh it's hopeless, you can't understand me!" I looked up at Tobira and he looked horrified, I've never seen him this way in my life. As I was looking at his face I noticed his hand it started glowing. He was about to shoot at her! Suddenly I felt my body heat up and it got so hot I almost felt like I was going to pass out, and in that second all I saw was darkness and when I awoke, Ms Noshimaru was still standing behind me but Tobira was on the ground and kind of far from where we were. "I-I, did I do that?" I say shocked. " TOBIRA!! Are you okay!?" I exclaimed, he did not reply. I sat next to him crying. He opened his eyes suddenly and tried sitting up. I hugged him "Brother! Oh I'm so sorry brother I didn't mean to hurt you!" I said sobbing. "I was only trying to protect Ms Noshimaru and then I-i." He cut me off, "Shh, it's were amazing." He said smiling at me. I took a closer look at him and he had no wounds anymore and was completely healed. "How'd you use that much power?" He asked. " I- I don't know." I said wiping my eyes. "But I think Ms Noshimaru is able to bring out my power somehow.." I said. He smirked at Ms Noshimaru and said "Oh? Is that so."

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