Chapter two: The Forest Whisper

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I made my way deeper into the Gathos forest. To be honest I have no idea where I am, I'm getting scared I never should have come out here. I hope everyone in the village is doing ok. I've been out here for about an hour and I have gotten nowhere. Soon I started to see a path leading to a mysterious looking shack with no door and everything was broken down on it, it looked like it had been there for centuries. I hesitated to go there but something told me to go in. I had this uneasy feeling in my stomach as if I were going to throw up from how nervous I was. Inside the shack I found a lot of old things, almost everything inside was broken down. I then came across a big book almost withered away. It had a key hole for it so I couldn't open it. It was really big and torn, I don't even know what this is but I somehow feel a desperate need to open it. I got up and put the book in my bag and continued to look around. There was a lot of toneria fruit and weird mushrooms growing out of the ground and into the house it almost looked like something from a fairytale. I took some fruit for the journey and left the shack. On my way back from the way I came I turned around and saw a man in the window of the shack disturbingly looking at me with a straight face. He had torn clothes and was almost see through. I almost thought he was a ghost. I turned around and started running when I tripped on a mushroom growing out the ground right in the middle of the path. I fell on my face and almost broke my nose. When I got back up my nose was bleeding a lot. I almost started crying but I had too much adrenaline so I just started running and kept going.
I never felt so desperate to be home in my entire life. As I was running something stopped me dead in my tracks. It was blood! I was so scared at what I saw my legs were shaking and my thoughts were racing. What and where in the world did this trail of blood come from?! It's so much. I kept running still on the same trail as the blood, nervous as ever. I never thought I would run this fast in my life. I was going off of pure adrenaline at this point. The blood trail soon turned into the forest covering almost everything in its path. I heard cries of pain and didn't know what to do. I slowly turned into the woods only to see that mysterious woman I saw before! She was crying on the ground and holding her leg as if it was broken. It was cut badly and was spilling blood almost everywhere. I wanted to help her but I felt I shouldnt interfere. As I was backing up I fell and she heard me! She jumped up and almost completely fell back down! She looked at me with fear and anger. Her eyes were completely black and her hair was long and crimson. She was almost 6 feet tall! I couldn't believe what I was seeing. From what I was told she looks like a dark elf! I was told every dark elf was killed off in the war fifty five years ago. I approached her slowly. She hissed at me! Like, like an animal! As I walked closer she tried to back up but she could barely walk on her attempt to move. She fell back over and gave up. What is she doing? I thought, Does she think I'm going to hurt her? I soon sat down to show that I wasn't trying to be dominant. After some time of just sitting she calmed down. I asked her some questions. "What's your name?"She didn't say anything. "Hello there." She still won't talk.

Does she know how to talk? I wonder how old she is? "Please let me help you miss." I said calmly. She moved her leg over my direction, so I know she can understand me. I reached for her leg and tried to grab it but she jerked it back with a frightful look. But she pushed it back out after I gave her a loving grin. I grabbed her leg and ripped my shirt sleeve and wrapped it around her wound and put some tree sap on it to keep it in place. I stayed with her until she could walk again. During that time I asked her many questions but she still never talked. Soon she made an attempt to speak but it sounded like a funny noise instead. "Are you trying to speak?!C'mon you can do it!", I exclaimed. She kept making noises and never words. Soon I just took matters into my own hands! "Say Hi!" I told her. " Huuuuuo.." She whispered. This is gonna take a long time. I sighed and kept going. After a couple hours I taught her how to say Hi, yes and no, the basics. She caught on fast to my words, I'm surprised. I got up and gestured to her to try and stand up. She slowly got up holding on to a tree beside her. I wonder how she got this wound in the first place? What was she doing? I don't know her exact age but I'd have to say she looks 19, pretty young I'd say. She stood up perfectly! But when she walked she wobbled a little bit. "Follow me!", I exclaimed. She started walking towards me as I moved along. The night started to fall and I was getting scared but having her with me made me feel a little more safe. She followed me everywhere and always protected me from stuff around us. The grass started to glow purple as the moon came up and the mushrooms glowed very bright. I soon heard a howl from far away, it sounded like a wolf. As the crickets chirped loud we made our way through the forest. We soon came across a strange looking village, it was the village of the fire elves. Everything was super hot and all the houses were molting lava hardened to a brick. I never thought I would see this village in my entire life. The higher class people of this village think really little of other elves and didn't want anything to do with us. Me and the woman went around the entire village. "My feet are aching!", I said painfully. Her ears popped up and she turned around and stared at me for about a minute. I wonder what she's thinking about? "WHA?!"I shouted, she had picked me up and put me on her back even with an injured leg! She's so strong, I thought to myself. She turned around and started walking back the way we came. She carried me all night. I fell asleep on her back so I don't remember anything really, but I do remember before I closed my eyes I heard her whisper something if only I could know what she said. I woke up after what felt like seconds, I woke up laying down in front of my village gates. The sun was up, it looked about noon. That lady was nowhere to be seen. "Wait! How did she know where I live?!", I exclaimed. I got up out of surprise and ran to the gates. I didn't believe I could be back home, I felt like I was dreaming. I banged on the gates as some guards ran out shouting,"who's there?!", "It's me, the princess Taoki!", I exclaimed. "T-Taoki? Our apologies!"They exclaimed. "Where have you been for the past day and a half?! Everyones freaking out!"They went on and on and on, just let me in already. "Please let me in." I said with authority. They moved aside and let me in. I ran down the pathway making my way through the village as people stared and shouted at me, happy I am back. As I arrive at my house I bang on the door. Tobira opens the big doors with a shocked look on his face. He looks as if I had been gone for years. He rushes to me and grabs me by my shoulder and starts crying asking me where I've been. I hugged him and told him everything that had gone on while I was gone, leaving out the woman. I never thought I would see him this upset in my life! I squeezed him tight and told him I'm ok. I looked up for a second and saw Kakasue walking through the doors looking as angry as ever. I know I'm about to get yelled at. "Where the hell have you been Taoki!?"Kakasue shouted with anger. I know he was just worried about me but something told me he was furious about something else too. "I'm sorry Big brother, I got lost in Gathos.", I said with a sad tone, looking away from him. He bent down and looked me in my eyes, Tobira looked at him with his teary eyes. Kakasue put his hand on my face, rubbed my cheek and told me to be more careful then just walked away. I'm surprised he didn't do any tricks on me. It's been a long time since I've seen him this mad. Tobira got up and took me by the hand and told me to come with him. We walked for about thirty minutes until we arrived at a secret door behind the house. He put his hand out and it started glowing! His hand was glowing like nothing I've ever seen. He opened the door with magic!? But I thought I was the only one in the family with magical powers! His hair was glowing too! I wonder if his gray hair has to do with his magic? The door opened slowly. I was so shocked I couldn't say anything. Tobira, still holding my hand, turned and smiled at me. "No one else knows about this Ok? Don't tell anyone, not even father." He said to me, I always suspected something was up since he was always coming back here but I didn't know it had to do with magic! He took me inside and it was like a mini house inside! He walked further in and showed me around, there was a bed and everything! He had a bookshelf and on the book shelf was a big red book. It looked like it could never be finished! He took it off the shelf and opened it. "This book is full of spells used by our family's generations, I found it in the walls of my room."He said with a worried face. "Brother.., why did you hide this from everyone, and now you're only telling me?". I said with a questioning tone. "I had too, or everyone would freak out about us having magical powers unlike just having grass control. Me and you are special and while you were out I feel you learnt that. That's why I'm showing this to you now. I want to teach you how to control your magic!" He replied back. I stood there with a confused look on my face remembering something that happened while I was walking with that mysterious lady. I remember I was walking and suddenly I felt this shock feeling in my hands as I reached for her hand. I remember it very clearly, my hands were shaking and felt like something was about to shoot out of my hands but when I pulled them away from her they stopped feeling like that. I think that woman was triggering my magic. I told Tobira what had happened and he had a shocked look on his face. " What?! Who was this lady, what did she look like?!" He questioned. I told him I don't remember but I lied...I didn't want him to go after her. Almost everyday after that me and Tobira would go to the hill house and practice my magic. I was getting better and better every time. One day I skipped practice and went out to Gathas hoping to see that lady again. As I was walking I saw her sitting on top of a mushroom eating a bug, I didn't know what to think of that... "Heyy!!" I shouted to her. She looked back at me with a smile on her face. She got up and ran to me and she still had my sleeve on her leg wound! But she seemed to be all better, it has been about 3 weeks. I told her to sit down and she listened. She seemed really happy to see me. I bent over and took the rapping off her leg and her wound was completely healed! She got up and wiggled her leg around a bit. "All better right?" I said with a smile on my face. She gave me a hug and picked me up! She sat me back down on the ground and sat with me. She grabbed me by my head and put me in her lap. For some reason every time she touched me I got sleepy like she was making me tired. I yawned and she looked at me with a confused face. She rubbed my head and wanted me to sleep, I wonder why? She soon fell asleep but I was still awake. I slowly got up and examined her body. She had a purple kimono on, some of it was bright purple and some of it was dark. She had a big blue gem on it, and wait..wasn't her hair crimson last time I saw her? Why is it black now? Her hair is so soft and pretty, almost like she took perfect care of it. She had sharp teeth almost like a monster. She didn't wear shoes or anything. The only thing she had on was that kimono and it was kinda torn up. Her ears looked like they have been gnawed at by animals they have tears and holes in them. I wish I knew more about her. Suddenly she woke up right as I was in her face. She looked at me wide eyed and said Hi as if she doesn't remember me at all. She looked up and was looking at the sun directly! "Waa!? What are you doing you're going to hurt your eyes, stop that!!!", I shouted. But she kept staring as if nothing was wrong. I grabbed her hand and tried to get her attention but she wouldn't look down. Suddenly her hair turned crimson out of nowhere! I was shaking. I didn't know what to think but she was magic! I couldn't speak until she looked back down at me and put her hand on my face and caressed my face with her thumb. "Hello there" She said that as if she could speak her whole life! She was speaking perfectly fine now! "U-um hello ms.."I said shocked, she smiled at me as if she knew me her whole life. I took her hand and asked "who are you?", she stopped smiling and looked worried. "I-I am Noshimaru, I survived the war as a baby 55 years ago, I have a curse that makes me not myself sometimes. I've lived like this for 31 years. When I met you and you helped me I was relieved to find someone that wasn't out to get me even though you are a child, I owe you my life." She told me. I looked at her eyes and they were still pitch black with a glossy glare. She looked relieved to be herself again. "Well Ms Noshimaru I'm happy I found you." I told her with a smile. I never thought I would see her like this. I'm used to the her that can't speak and the her that is kinda dumb but caring. But like this she is an actual person, I suddenly remembered something I've been wondering about. "Ms Noshimaru, I have a question." I said. "Yes?" She replied, " Why were you injured when I found you, what happened?" I asked. She looked at me with an angry look like she dreaded that day. " I was being attacked by a creature. I do not know what it was but it sliced my leg." She explained to me. I wondered about what this curse was and how she got it. "Ms Noshimaru, I was wondering what even is this curse you have?" I asked. She looked as though she had just seen the past all over again. "I-. She stuttered. "I remember how I got it but I can't remember who gave it to me. It makes me feel as if I am a wild beast and I can't control myself. But for some reason when I saw you I felt peace and control over my actions." She explained. I wondered, how could someone be like this for such a long time and still be alive and how was I able to ease her curse? "Ms Noshimaru, I can take care of you!" I said with a confident look. She looked at me with surprise but then that surprise turned into a relieved smile. She hugged me. "Thank you so much young girl, also i never got your name?" She said, "Im Taoki, Taoki Fugamo!" I exclaimed. Her eyes got wide as if she heard my name before somewhere. She got up, "You should go home, before night falls." She said, I looked at her with a worried look but I just said ok and goodbye. I started to walk home and I ran into Kakasue sitting in the forest. "Kakasue!?" I shouted, He looked up and hid something in his pocket. I ran over to him and he got up. "What are you doing out here big brother?" I said, " I came here to think, Taoki." He replied with a serious tone. He looked as if someone touched his favorite top hat! "W-what are you thinking about?" I asked hesitantly. He turned and looked at me quickly and with a serious glare he said " dont worry about it, Taoki." I looked down and said ok and proceeded to pass him by. As I was walking away I turned around for just a second and in that second I saw something I would never forget. I gasped, his eyes, his diamond pupils were glowing bright red! I turned around quickly and started walking a bit faster than before. I had no idea what that was. I've never seen his eyes like that! I was deciding if I should tell Tobria what I had seen. I was so confused. I decided to keep it to myself for now until I'm ready. When I got back home I layed down and thought about everything going on. I was so confused with my life at this point. There was so much for me to think about and to understand. I layed in bed almost the rest of the day until father called us all to come down stairs for supper. When I had gotten down stairs everybody else was already there, I sat down and everyone was silent. "So, what's for supper, father?" I asked. He looked to the kitchen. "Hm, roasted pig and dried dripo." He said. I grinned as they were very delicious. I looked around and saw that Tobira and Kakasue were staring at each other as if they were talking through their minds. I looked at Tobira and said, " brother would you mind passing that plate?" He looked over at me and his look had completely gone away. He passed me the plate and pulled a book out and started reading. Kakasue looked at me like he knew what I was doing. As we were eating a knock at the door came to be heard. I got up and said, "I'll get it!" I opened the door. It was Kameya! "Hey, Kameya!," I said with an excited tone. But then I got a good look at his face and he was bleeding out his nose! "K-kameya what's wrong!" He looked at me with teary eyes. "I went out to the forest and I ran into a tree." He said, holding back tears. Seriously? I thought to myself. "Kame'ya! How clumsy can you be!" I exclaimed, grabbing him by his sleeve and pulling him in the house. I put him on the couch. "Wait here." I said, walking off. I came back with bandages and gauzes. "Here let me treat you." I said. I reached forward as he sat still and put a gauze on his cut nostril that had a piece of bark in there like a big splinter. I reached for a bandage and put one on the cut with a gauze underneath. I told him to hold it for a little while. Kameya stayed over for a little bit and ate with us, later that night we stayed up reading old books i had found. At one point I was dozing off but I could've sworn I felt kame'ya wrap his arms around me while laying down. It was so warm, I suddenly felt safe and relieved. When I woke , Kameya was no longer here. Suddenly I remembered something from one of the books I read. It was about the dark elves. Every Way they were described is how that lady looked. I knew she was a dark elf but now I'm sure she is. I jumped out of bed, rushing my clothes on. As I ran out of the house I made my way to the forest. After about ten minutes, there she was...

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