Chapter one

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Since no one is around I guess
I'll go explore more land. The forests here are beautiful. They are full of trees almost 100 feet tall and some even grow fruit. My favorite here is TonTon fruit. I don't really like any others but I'll eat them. It also has really tall grass that can change color. It's usually a greenish yellow but it turns a glowy purple and blue at nightfall, I think it's cool. Although I don't like mushrooms, the ones in my forest are pretty and they are really big. Sometimes I sit on them and look around. I'm 14 and the only girl in my village with brown hair, before it was me and my mom but now it is just me. You'd think brown hair is normal but not here. Here the casual hair colors are usually blonde, red and bright pink. My father has red hair and so does Kakasue. But Tobira has gray hair and he's not even that old, he's only 18. My father says Tobira was just born with it, he is the only one in the village with gray hair.
"Toaki, what are you doing out here? I've been looking for you!" says Tobira, "ughh, I'm relaxing, go away." I say, "What?! No!, I'm taking you home, you can't just be out here."Said Tobira, "Why should i go home." I said, " Because I said so." Tobira said,
"Fine,". On the way home I ran into someone I wasn't expecting to see at all today, his name is Kameya. Before he moved here he lived in a village west of mine. We became friends in second grade, he was away for quite a while so i wasn't expecting him. My brothers don't like him, I have no clue why. Kameya isn't a bad guy, he's cool, funny and a big nerd, I never would think he'd be a bad person. He's 1 year younger than me so I'm always picking on him but he knows I'm just kidding. He has short black hair, he says he doesn't like it but i think it looks great and it's pretty soft he even lets me style his hair sometimes. His mother makes custom clothes for my family in this village. She made the outfit I'm wearing right now, it's a light green sleeveless onesie but I wear separate sleeves with it anyway, the pants flare at the end, I like how it does that. One day I'm gonna make my own outfits!
"Tobiraaaaa" I said, "what" Tobira says "can I go out now, at least for a little bit please" I say, "hm, Fine you have three hours, then you better come home" Tobira said. " Ok got it!" I say. I wonder what I should do today. Maybe I could walk around the forests some more, maybe even visit somewhere else. "huh, what is that.." ,. is there someone there..? Wait, is that a..girl? I can't really see her face but she is wearing a kimono with a blue gem on it, she has black hair too, I wonder who she is. She looks lost and she's pretty tall, she looks like she is 6 feet and 9 inches tall. Her ears are really long, they look cut, who is this lady? Does she even know I'm here or where she is? Maybe I should say hi?.."Huh? she's gone!" I wonder where she went, should I report this to my brother..I'll tell him when I get back.
It's been 2 hours. I can't get this lady out of my head. I'm so curious, who is she? Where did she come from? I just wanna relax, maybe i should visit another village to get my mind off it. As I make my way to a village north of mine I see a cute little white bunny. I might have to just take it home with me. Wow this village got bigger, these ice elves are weird. Everyones looking at me so weirdly, maybe since this is my first time back here in a while I wonder if they remember me, I hope so.
"Hey!, Toaki your back", "Hey Jade", Jade is my best friend in this village. Somehow she always knows when I'm here, kinda strange. We met when we were both 10, and since then we became best friends. I love her icey blue eyes and white hair, she's so unique. " What brings you here Taoki" says Jade, " Just had nothing to do, and I wanted to see you", I said. Jade is nice, she is someone I can always count on. Especially when I need help with something involving snow or ice. As you know Jade is an ice elf which means she is just able to live in severe coldness without being affected by it, and she can manipulate ice and snow sometimes, most of the time it doesn't work. Each elf village is an element, first there is my village which is the Grass Village, we can manipulate grass and any other plants, sounds pretty lame but we can do some awesome stuff. There's lots of different kinds, and since I have magic powers I can do more than just control plants. Oh no it's almost been three hours i should start to head back or Tobira will give me an ear full. " Jade, I'm gonna go back to my village now", I say. "Ok, it was nice to see you again, bye", said Jade. I wonder what everyone is doing right now, "hm?" Is that a Tonero tree? I guess I could grab some TonTon fruit on the way home. It's actually called Tonero fruit but I like to call it TonTon fruit. "Tobira? I'm back." "Hey Taoki, what'd you do?," Tobira said. " I just walked around and visited Jade" I said, " oh and also, I saw this lady she was like a few inches shorter than you and her ears were really long and kinda cut up and she was wearing a kinda dark purple kimono and her hair was black". " Oh, there is no one like that around here, you sure you saw her"? Tobira said. "YES!," I shouted, "Hm, I'll send out some guards to check what's going on," Tobira said.
A couple days later, we still haven't heard anything back from the guards Tobira sent out, strange. I got this uneasy feeling about everything going on like it's not just something we should ignore. I wanted to look more into it myself but I know everyone would not let me do that since I'm only fourteen. But I went out anyway and almost immediately regretted it, everywhere were the guards' dead bodies splattered all over. I almost puked. Who had done this?! I thought it looked like they had been eaten by a monster or something! I ran back into my house and went to my room. I laid in bed wondering what I should do, should I report this? Should I keep quiet? I went on, I had no idea what to do I was terrified I almost fainted. Tobira ran into the room wondering why I ran through the house,"Taoki what's wrong are you ok?!" He questioned me for many minutes until he calmed down. "Brother I'm fine do not worry!" I exclaimed. "Are you sure? Did you see something?" Tobira questioned suspectfully. Why does Tobira sound like he knows something is going on? I wonder if he is also uneasy about the guards not reporting back. I can't believe they all died! It looked like someone
cut them open and pulled out their organs! I never wanna see that again. I feel so sick. " Tobira, I'm fine, please leave." I said quietly. Tobira nodded his head and walked out. I started pacing my room wondering what I should do about what my eyes just saw.
That whole day I thought about what I had seen and it never left my thoughts. I was never this anxious in my life, I had no idea what to do. Then at that moment I decided to go back out and investigate it myself, for a moment I hesitated but I had made up my mind. So as I made my way back out into the forest I heard this voice from afar telling me to turn back. It sounded like a woman's voice but it was very scratchy and sounded like she was suffering from wounds. This freaked me out but I didn't let it get to me, it was probably just my fear tricking me.

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