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One day a baby was born in a far away elf village, her name is Taoki(Tay-O-key) Fugamo, daughter of the Leader of this village she is treated as royalty, she is the kid sister of ''Tobira(Toe-Beer-Rah) Fugamo her eldest brother and Kakasue (Kah-Ka-zue) Fugamo, who is also older than her but younger than Tobira..but still she is special. This is her story.

Hi my name is Taoki, my father is Kaie, the leader of my village, so my life is a little weird. I am always getting attention from people everywhere I go, even when I go to other villages, I hate being treated like a princess. Being the only elf known to have magic makes it even harder, because then I havei have to be waryweary of where I go and who I talk to.
Not to mention my brother Tobira always fighting with my other brother Kakasue, sooo annoying! They always get in my way when I want to do anything.
"Taoki, come! Father wants us!" said Tobira.,
"OK coming," I say.
"As you know, Tobira will be taking my position as leader very soon so as of today I want all of you to start treating him with the respect you give me as well," said father. Oh great, once Tobira is the leader he will have an excuse for bossing me around.
"Yes father" I said, Too bad Kakasue isn't here, he is probably traveling again..
"Hey Kakasue welcome back."
"Why hello my young sister, how have you been on this marvelous day!" As you can see, Kakasue is always super extra and extravagant. Most of the time he is really annoying and joyful but sometimes he can be really mean and strict, if you know what's good for you, you would keep away from that side of him.
"I've been great, brother!" I say, "Father has news for you by the way."
"Oh? Ok then". Kakasue said. I wish we could all be together as a family again, just me, Tobira, Kakasue, Mother and father. Sadly my mother passed away a few years back, and Tobira and Kakasue are always fighting, like brothers. My father is always busy with leader stuff and never has time for me. Now that Tobira is becoming leader, maybe father will have more time for me, but now Tobira will be busy all the time, what a drag.

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