Chapter 50 - Four Thanksgivings

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It was the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving 2010 and the extended family was beginning to gather in the Abernathys' living room in California. Elliot, Jake and a new girl Ann, arrived while Matt, Ashley, Aaron and Rita were just getting settled. They were just completing introductions, helping Jake's new girlfriend understand who was who, when Matt announced it was time to pick up Zack and company from the train station. He borrowed the Abernathys' extra-large SUV and returned about an hour later with two couples and two babies. Well, Zack's daughter Milly, at 17 months old could still be considered a baby, but at three and a half, LeeAnn really could not. She was a little girl these days, who regarded nearly everyone in the room with a sense of suspicion.

"Why?" Jessie wanted to know.

"Because, she doesn't really know us anymore," Susan tried to explain. "Except for Papa, who visited them a few times in Colorado, we haven't seen Neil, Rosemary, or LeeAnn in quite a long time."

"It's been at least two years since we were all together," Rosemary agreed. "And LeeAnn really was a baby back then. You've all grown up a lot in that amount of time."

"Who has? Do you mean LeeAnn and Milly, who wasn't even here two years ago?" Jessie pointed out.

"Both of them have of course, but I was talking about you. You're almost grown-up Jessie. You're a Junior in high school. Your mama tells me you're talking about going to college, and you have a steady boyfriend," Rosemary replied.

"You mean Bert," Jessie realized.

"Yeah, of course she means Bert," Zack told her. "And it's about time you admitted he's your boyfriend," Zack teased. He couldn't help it. Jessie was his little sister and teasing her came naturally whenever they were both in this house.

Jessie puckered her lips but otherwise didn't rise to take the bait, ignoring Zack's teasing tone.

"Yes, he's my boyfriend now. And we are both talking about going to college," Jessie was just saying when the doorbell rang. Greg answered it, and someone walked in. Coincidentally, it was Bert.

"Did I just hear someone saying my name?" Bert asked.

"Yeah. We were talking about college," Jessie told him.

"Oh yeah? Did you decide where you want to go?" Bert asked his girlfriend, after kissing her cheek in front of the whole family.

"Sort of. I know where I want to apply next year," Jessie told him.

"Where?" Bert asked curiously.

"To the Theater School at Cal Poly," Jessie told him.

"Why there?" Bert wondered.

"Because they teach all about theater, not just acting or producing, but about everything, including backstage, set and costume making," Jessie explained.

Bert crossed his arms across his chest. "Are you sure it's not just because you want to live there?"

"So, what if I do?" Jessie told him in a challenging tone. "I've done New York City. I know a little bit about Hollywood through Papa and living here. I just want to try something different, before I really am grown up. San Luis Obispo is sort of a small town. It's nice there."

"Yeah, it is," Zack agreed, while Kelly regarded her husband dubiously. "Don't you agree?"

"It's been good for a few years, but aside from the school, which I agree is good, there aren't many opportunities there," Kelly pointed out. "I mean, you had to leave to do your internship."

"True, but that's almost over, so I'll be moving back," Zack informed the room.

"When?" Matt wanted to know.

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