Chapter 26 - Q1 2010

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The first day of school for 2010 began again on Monday, on January 4th. Greg's theater schedule went back to normal, with the exception of Thursday and Friday which he took off to attended Neil's graduation. While he was in Colorado, his stepson and his family celebrated LeeAnn's third birthday. It was a good, if brief visit. It was also a reminder of just how fast the years were going.

"How are they?" Susan asked her husband after he returned home Friday evening.

"They are doing well, although both Neil and Rosemary are talking about moving back to California after Rosemary finishes her teaching job at the end of the school year," Greg shared.

"Did Neil get the position he was hoping for near Monterey Bay?" Susan wondered.

"He is in the process of applying for it," Greg replied. "Regardless, there is an opening in the Menlo Park office he is now very well qualified for. Given his previous experience with earthquake faults, and now his PhD, he is certain he could be assigned there in the event his first-choice appointment falls through."

Susan smiled. "That is very good to hear."

They were like ships in the night, sharing the family news, for the very next day, Susan was flying to San Francisco so she could work out of the California office for the rest of January.


The very next morning, Xavier was on the same flight as Susan. They arranged to sit together during the journey, and as they flew across the country, they talked.

"So, this company you are interviewing with must be serious about you to fly you all the way across the country for an interview," Susan remarked.

"I think they are," Xavier confirmed.

"If you get the job, do you have any idea when they'd like you to start?" Susan wondered.

"That is a very tricky question. I suspect they'd like me to start around the first of February, however with the baby due in two weeks, I doubt Dori and I can arrange to be there then," Xavier told her.

"Depending on when the baby is born, why couldn't you?" Susan asked. "I agree, a five-hour flight would be tiring with a newborn, but I've known other families who've done that."

"I agree. That part could work, but even if we did, we wouldn't have a place to live when we arrived," Xavier told her. "I can't see the three of us living in a motel and trying to house hunt with a newborn while Dori is still trying to recover."

Susan looked at him oddly. "Would it help if you did have a place to go?"

Xavier looked at her curiously. "You mentioned over the holidays you're renting a house in the Bay Area."

"I am. We're renting Reuben's house in Oakland through next June," Susan told him. "I've had to be in the San Francisco office every other month since last June, and Matt has classes at UC Berkley, which is nearby, three days per week."

"He and Ashley aren't living together?" Xavier asked.

"They are. However, Ashley is attending veterinary school at UC Davis which is roughly 60 miles from where Matt needs to be. They are sharing a house with Aaron and Rita in Fairfield, which is in between, but it does make it easier on him if he can stay over sometimes in during the week. Given that, we thought it was simpler to do Reuben the favor to rent his from him for a year. That way, Matt and I and anyone in the family who needs a place to stay in the area will have one for the first half of this year."

"Does that mean it might be available as of next June?" Xavier wondered.

"Oh, I don't know. I suppose that depends on who in the family might need it beyond June," Susan told him. She eyed him curiously. "Do you think you'd want to rent a house in the Bay Area if you get the job? Or are you only thinking of an apartment or a town house eventually?"

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