Chapter 18 - A Walk with Forest

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Greg went to bed on the first night of Chanukah a bit later than he'd originally intended due to visiting with their friends. The more they talked, the more insights of various kinds were revealed. Susan, he knew, was struck by what they learned about Melody. And as he fell asleep, he wondered if he might dream.

He did. But it wasn't Melody who visited him. It was Bernie.


"Hello," Greg greeted his brother where he usually appeared, in the hospital room where Bernie died.

"Hello Jacob. Have you finally decided you could see me?" Bernie asked.

"I could always see you. What I couldn't decide is why you are here," Greg told him.

"Ah yes. You were always the one with dreams, not me," Bernie agreed.

"I assume you have a reason for visiting me ... and Norma," Greg commented to his brother.

"I hoped, since you dream, you would be able to see and hear me," Bernie began.

"I can," Greg assured him. "Norma has told me you visit her too."

"I do ... but she doesn't believe in me. That is, she doesn't believe it is me when she sees me in her dreams," Bernie struggled to explain.

"It is an extraordinary experience to be visited this way. I am open to it; however I must conclude there must be an extraordinary reason," Greg told him.

Bernie seemed to consider Greg's words. "I don't know if it is an extraordinary reason. That is, I don't think my reason is unusual, in the scheme of things. Love transcends the human experience. It is of value in the heavens as well. And so, it is out of love I visit both you and her."

"You are worried about her," Greg suggested. "And you knew ... or at least suspected, I could see and hear you because of my dreams."

"Quite so," Bernie agreed.

"Why now?" Greg wondered.

Bernie seemed to consider what it was he could share.

"I encountered a soul who was once your daughter," Bernie hedged.

"Melody," Greg replied immediately.

Bernie hesitated. "She may have been known to you by that name. She is Angel here."

"Mystique Angel. I believe that was her name in her first life, and she was indeed that, a little angel and a blessing to all who knew her," Greg acknowledged.

"It sounds like you love her still," Bernie remarked.

"She was my daughter most recently. Of course, I love her, just as I love my soulmate and you love yours. We have always had the highest regard for family, you and I. Our wives and our children are no exception," Greg reminded him.

"Which is why Angel says you can hear her," Bernie informed him.

"Melody is very good at making herself heard," Greg reflected.

"Something I am trying to learn to do," Bernie shared.

"Are you speaking of me? Or possibly of Norma?" Greg inquired.

"You, of course. I am pleased you can hear me, however Angel assures me you are strong in your faith and also listen to the Lord," Bernie remarked.

"Always," Greg assured him. "What about Norma?"

"She struggles with both. She cleaves to religion instead of her faith, which makes it much more difficult to listen. Even to me," Bernie lamented. "She can hear me, though she claims after she awakes that she doesn't."

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