Chapter 7 - August in New York

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Greg and Susan exchanged a look with one another as their plane touched down on the runway in New York, following a few hours' sleep during their flight.

"We are home safe," Greg told her.

Susan nodded. "Yes. Time to go back to normal things for another year."

"Indeed. Did you enjoy our visit to California?" Greg asked.

Susan regarded her husband curiously.

"I am fully aware that you are also living there every other month for the coming year," Greg added.

"I am, but I know what you mean. It was good to go back to our house in Malibu. It makes me see how life can continue there when we go home again to stay next year," Susan told him.

"It was refreshing to be there with all the family together once again," Greg agreed. "However, after visiting, we also know that everyone, including us, is busy with their own lives. Our adult children are busy with schooling and their young families. We have met the new arrivals and can look forward to including them in family activities in the future."

"All good things," Susan agreed. "Shall we pick up Forest and Jessie this morning?"

"In that order?" Greg wondered.

"Why not? Let's go home, have a proper breakfast, get our car and collect our family," Susan suggested.

"Why not," Greg agreed, and that is what they did.

Both Jessie and Forest were happy to see Greg and Susan when they arrived to pick them up. Although Jessie enjoyed her stay with the Goodmans, she was very happy to go home.

"How was it spending time with the Goodmans?" Susan asked her daughter on the way back to their high-rise house.

"It was fine. It was nice to have the time to hang out with Bertie again," Jessie told them. "But he works a lot."

"He should not be doing more than five performances of the play per week during the summer months," Greg remarked. "Is he?"

"Not exactly, but he does spend more time than that at the theater. They still let him in, so the rest of the time when he's not working, he spends the time taking pictures," Jessie explained. "He said he's trying to remember what he's learning this time, so he'll be prepared for what comes next."

"What comes next? How do you mean?" Greg asked.

"I think he means doing more theater. He's trying to learn what Mr. Nicol and Mr. Feldman are doing," Jessie replied.

Greg arched a brow. "Directing and producing. Jessie, do you know if Bert is considering trying to make a career out of theater work?"

Jessie shrugged in the back seat. "Maybe."

"Do you have any idea what you might like to do?" Susan asked.

"Not yet, Mama! I'm only fourteen," Jessie protested. "I have time."

"Not as much time as you might think," Susan told her.

"Why not?" Jessie asked.

"You'll need to be prepared to take your college entrance exams next year," Susan replied.

"What if I don't want to go to college?" Jessie asked.

"I thought you were considering studying theater at the college where Zack is going!" Susan reminded her.

"Yes, but Mrs. Liebermann, the costume lady, says you don't have to go to college to work in theater. So, what if I don't?" Jessie pressed.

"I want you to take the exams anyway, just in case you change your mind," Susan insisted.

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