Chapter 1 - July 29th

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"Today, with this marker, on the anniversary of her death, I place the memories and dreams of Melody Hannah Abernathy to rest. I commend the dreams, memories, and heavenly keys this family now possesses through her efforts to the Lord's hands. Amen." The rabbi leading the people gathered in the cemetery ended his prayer.

"Amen," the people around him said, including the Christian minister, a friend of the family who moments earlier, also led those present in prayer.

The family stood around the grave of the five-year-old girl who died one year ago today. They were gathered in honor of the traditional memorial held on the anniversary of a family member's death. Those present waited. The rabbi removed the cover from the little girl's head stone and everyone present stood silently for a moment looking at it. Everyone, including her parents, read what it said. Melody Hannah Abernathy, born February 14, 2003, died July 29, 2008. There was a cloud with a sun suggesting the heavens beside her name and tulips near the dates. She would be remembered, along with the things she loved.

Her mother, Susan Abernathy looked up after studying the marker, wondering if they were through. Suddenly she couldn't wait to leave this place, and she could see she wasn't the only one. Her husband, Greg, standing by her side, was stirring too.

Everyone present looked at one another before the little circle of people standing around the child's grave began to move.

"Thank you, Rabbi, for your services today," Greg told his old friend Rabbi Sloane.

"It was an honor, Greg, truly. I see so little of your family these days," Rabbi Sloane replied.

"That will continue for some time, I fear. I am obligated to be in New York for the coming year. However, after my commitments are fulfilled, we will be back here, in California," Greg shared.

"How much longer will you be in New York?" Reverend John Wilson asked.

"Through the end of next June," Greg replied.

John considered that thoughtfully. "You will be back here at the end of June 2010?"

"Or in early July. It is likely my family and I will choose to have a vacation when my part in the play comes to an end," Greg told him.

Greg Abernathy, Melody's father, was currently starring in a play, The Fiddler on the Roof, which was running at a theater in New York on Broadway. It was a wonderful opportunity for him professionally, and it proved to be a good experience for their immediate household to live in Manhattan for the past eleven months. However, if the last two days had shown him anything, it was how much they were missing here, in California, where the rest of their family lived. Only he, Susan and Jessie currently lived in New York. The other four grown children they had between them, and their families, all lived here.

"You will be back in early July?" Julie, Greg's eldest daughter from his first marriage asked after catching part of what was said.

"You heard that, did you?" Greg asked as their group moved a step or two away from Melody's grave.

"Yes. Is that true?" Julie asked.

"Yes, it is true. We will be home to stay by this time next year," Greg promised.

Julie grinned. "That is very good news."

"Yeah, Dad, it is," Alan, Julie's brother and Greg's son, also from his first marriage, agreed.

"Why is that?" Greg asked.

"Just think of all you are missing this year." Alan gestured towards the rest of the family where they stood talking together on the lawn at the cemetery, beside his little sister's grave. "Cindy and me are going to have another baby."

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